

What is 42

42 is a Software Engeneering French school and the top one in Innovation and Ethics. With no professors and courseware, the learning is based on projects and avaliations peer-to-peer, developing both hard skills and soft skills to be a "Human Coder".

The 42 cursus is free for whoever is approved in the basecamp, becoming "cadets" (42's students).

Projects Done:

Phase One

Phase Two

Hard Skills

  • C
  • Shell
  • Git
  • Makefile
  • Unix logic
  • Algorithms & AI
  • Imperative programming
  • Graphics
  • Aplicative
  • Network & system administration

Soft Skills

  • Human Coder
  • Peer-to-Peer Learning
  • Self Learning
  • Team Working
  • Resilience
  • Empathy
  • Communication

Other Projects
