- acwioUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- benmolineauxThe University of Edinburgh
- blalbritStanford University Libraries
- carl-mcLondon School of Economics and Political Science
- cguerrero2316
- cih-y2k
- claudius108
- d4n-7
- danieljohnevans
- dhgarretteGoogle Research
- DutchPirate1966The Netherlands
- francolqFAMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
- haroldfry
- jhcloos
- juancoboNeogranadina
- justicelee
- kingloo2014
- LeviDobbins
- mbofb
- mchristy-tamuIDHMC
- nlpguyz
- npkfrolovInstitute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences
- oftensmile
- paper2code-bot@paper2code
- phymucs
- PoorvaRaneGoogle
- sdrobac
- sextractor
- shrutirijCarnegie Mellon University
- tberg12
- tpalfr
- XiliangSongUCAS