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This is my Udacity project number 3, the Classic Arcade game clone of Frogger.

Initial steps I took: Downloaded repository and starter code provided by Udacity. Created new Git repository for my code. Used Visual Studio Code and installed Beautify to cleanly create code.

To play game: Open the Index HTML file on your computer. Using the arrow keys (Up, Down, Left, Right) on your keyboard, move your Cat Girl. Avoid the roaches! If they touch you, your character starts over at the bottom. Try and reach the top without touching a bug. When you reach the water safely you have won! Refresh the game to begin again.

Resources and references: About P3 Rubric Udacity [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YHkmEBznac]
Rodrick's Webinar on Zoom [https://zoom.us/recording/play/aulotDlzKFegQFIJTaTzKgWvNkVsYtlwO454vL1UPE1Cm6lOUBQCtfVurPOIAGAS?startTime=1529542978000]
Udacity provided starter code.
Youtube Video of Frogger [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9fO-YuWPSk&feature=youtu.be]
W3 Schools math.floor
W3 Schools canvas

Give it a try: [ https://tcjill.github.io/jgfrontend-nanodegree-arcade-game-master/]