- allankvUniversity of Sao Paulo - BioComp / Harvard University - MCZ
- artaripUniversity of Navarra
- dagendresenUniversity of Oslo
- debpaul@SpeciesFileGroup UI
- ekrimmel
- fdbesanto2
- fdschneiderDarmstadt
- gaurav@RENCI
- godfoderUF ACIS Laboratory
- GrazingScientist@FID-Biodiversity @ubffm
- haniehsaeediSenckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum
- helemork@artsdatabanken
- helixcnKadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden
- hollyel
- jarhead12
- Jegelewicz@ArctosDB
- jomtovStockholm University
- KevinRamsunderDataminr
- leisuxSouth China Botanical Garden, CAS
- lidefi87IMAS-UTAS
- marcelooyanederSantiago, Chile
- MirzaCengicRadboud University, BHHU ATRA
- mjy@SpeciesFileGroup
- mutolispNational Taiwan University
- nickdosCSIRO
- pbrenton
- PilskS
- qgroomBotanic Garden Meise
- rpfigueira
- shevelpSpain
- stark1ttyUniversity of Plymouth
- tom-guTechnion - Israel Institute of Technology
- tucotucoRauthiflor LLC
- wucucu
- ymgan