EEG-pyline is a pipeline for EEG data pre-processing, analysis and visualisation created for neuroscience and mental health research.
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- adrianacostafredaRigshospitalet
- ahmedguebsi
- angelektKU Leuven
- ChiShengChen
- Chubbychie
- furmanlukaszDatalab108
- giuconte
- gzoumpourlisLondon, UK
- HeiMaWZ
- justicelee
- lauriksklTallinn
- MuhamadamaniTU Delft
- peeterleetsUniversity of Tartu | Center of IT Impact Studies
- rukhatUnited States
- tczhangzhiThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
- vytkuc