
Simple app made to gain experience with event listeners and their target, in particular 'click', 'mouseenter', and 'mouseleave'. I later refactored it to also display console.log messages to the page and added a reset button to to clear them out.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stoplight Exercise

As always, fork and clone this repository.

Part 1

Add DOM event listeners and handlers to toggle the on/off state of three bulbs.

TIP: All three bulbs can be on/off independently of one another.


Part 2

Add new DOM event listeners and handlers to log the mouse state of each button.

  • When a user's mouse enters a button, log "Entered <textContent> button" to the console.
  • When a user's mouse leaves a button, log "Left <textContent> button" to the console.

TIP: Each event type will need a separate event listener.



Add one DOM event listener and one handler to log the state of each bulb.

  • When a user clicks a button that just turned on, log"<textContent> bulb on" to the console.
  • When a user clicks a button that just turned off, log"<textContent> bulb off" to the console.

TIP: A click on only a button should cause a message to be logged to the console.
