
A lightweight docker image running multiple passive income applications

Primary LanguageShellThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A lightweight docker image running multiple passive income applications. Supports ARM and x86 architectures.


  • Works on raspberry pi
  • Earn small amount of money (beer money) by sharing for your internet bandwidth
  • 100% passive income, set and forget
  • No continuous disk writes - particularly helpful for devices using flash storage like raspberry pi
  • Only verified services with confirmed payouts
  • Automatically claim honeygain lucky pot to maximize passive income.

Quick start

  1. Make sure docker is installed on your system.

  2. git clone

git clone https://github.com/technotiger/CashReaper.git && cd CashReaper
  1. Edit the settings.conf file. Refer the following section for details. For example, to edit using nano:
nano settings.conf

Save the modified settings file.

  1. Build docker image. This can take a few minutes.
docker build . -t technotiger/cashreaper:latest
  1. Once image is built, create and run the container.

Docker Logs: The docker container created by run.sh script will have logs turned off to prevent unnesessary disk activity. You can change this behaviour by editing the run.sh script before executing it. For example, you can delete "--log-driver none" from the docker run command in the run.sh script to use the default docker log setting.

Installed programs

1. Honeygain

Register for an account. In the settings file, add your email to HG_EMAIL and password to HG_PASSWORD and set the USE_HONEYGAIN to y.


# Honeygain

Automatically claim lucky pot
Honeygain offers additional credits in the form of lucky pot and achievements. Users need to visit their website everyday to claim these credits. You can automate this process by setting USE_HONEYGAIN_AUTOCLAIM to y in the settings file.

This will run a program every 6 hours to automatically claim any available honeygain lucky pot and unlocked rewards, thus maximizing your earnings while remaining 100% passive.



2. Pawns.app

Register for an account. In the settings file, add your email to PA_EMAIL and password to PA_PASSWORD and set the USE_PAWNSAPP to y.


# Pawns.app

3. Earnapp

Register for an account. Set USE_EARNAPP to y in the settings.conf file.

The run.sh script will print a link that you need to paste into your browser to "link" the worker to your account. This needs to be repeated per container instance.

To get this link manually, you can use the following command.

docker exec -it cashreaper earnapp register | grep -Eo 'https.+'


# Earnapp

Storage: Persistent storage is recommend for Earnapp to ensure that you don't have to repeat the worker-account linking process when container is recreated. If you use the run.sh script, a docker volume named vol-cashreaper will be automatically created and used for this purpose.

4. Packet Stream

Register for an account. In the settings file set USE_PACKET_STREAM to y and PS_ID to your CID. To find your CID, navigate to the download page and find the linux/docker instructions. You will find your CID in the setup command listed there - look for CID=xxxx.


# Packet Stream

5. Traffmonetizer

Register for an account. In the settings file, add your Application Token to TRAFF_TOKEN and set the USE_TRAFFMONETIZER to y.

You can find the Application Token on your dashboard.


# Traffmonetizer

6. Bitping

Register for an account. In the settings file, add your email to BP_EMAIL and password to BP_PASSWORD and set the USE_BITPING to y.


# BitPing


You will need an account for each of the following services.

** Please use these links to support this project at no cost to you. You will receive a setup bonus on some sites for using these referral links.


This project uses code from the following open-source projects:

PiCash (https://github.com/chashtag/PiCash)
Honeygain Auto Claim (https://github.com/MrLoLf/HoneygainAutoClaim)