
Ember-bootstrap-controls is a small library for quickly creating EmberJS forms that utilize the Bootstrap form and input stylings.

This README outlines the details of using and collaborating on this Ember addon.

Upgrade Instructions

0.14.0 - 0.15.0

  • keyPress, keyDown, keyUp events were all renamed to key-press, key-down, and key-up respectively. This was to prevent it from conflicting with Ember.Component keyPress, keyDown, and keyUp events. An assert is thrown to help the developer identify and fix these issues, but it is further recommeneded to do a project find, and replace where used.

0.X - 0.14.0

This version is likely not backwards compatible with ember-cli < 2.11.0 and ember-cli-htmlbars < 1.1.1

If you need to support a version less than one of these, please use 0.11.x instead.

  • Find the ember-bootstrap-controls in your package.json which can be found in the root ember directory and update the version to the latest release.
  • Run npm install
  • Move into your root ember directory and run ember g ember-bootstrap-controls


Add the following the list of dependencies in your package.json which can be found in the root ember directory:

  • "ember-bootstrap-controls": "wildland/ember-bootstrap-controls#v0.16.0",

Now run npm install.

Move into your root ember directory and run:

ember g ember-bootstrap-controls


See a live demo.

Bootstrap Form

We should write some documentation for this.

Bootstrap Debounce Input

A field helper to simplify making an input field with a delay until the user stops typing or hits enter.

Use Example:

{{bootstrap-debounce-input value=search onChange=(action (mut value)) placeholder='Search'}}

Required Arguments:

  • value - The attribute attached to the input.
  • onChange - The action to fire once the user is done typing

Optional Arguments:

  • label - String displayed as the labels text.
  • placeholder - String displayed as the placeholder text.
  • debounce - Time in milliseconds to wait for the user to pause before updating the value attribute. Defaults to 800.
  • errors - Collection of DS.errors.

Bootstrap Input

A field helper to simplify making an input field for a form.

Use Example:

{{bootstrap-input value=user.email  label="Email”}}

Would render

<div class="form-group bootstrap-input-component">
  <label for="bootstrap-component-0" class="control-label" >Email</label>
  <input id="bootstrap-component-0" className="form-control ember-view ember-text-field">

Required Arguments:

  • value - Ember model attribute attached to the input.
  • label - String displayed as the labels text.

Optional Arguments:

  • errors - Collection of DS.errors.
  • customLabelCss - Custom css to be added to the label.
  • srOnly - Boolean srOnly class to the label for screen readers. This hides the label, but still allows screen readers/computers to read the label by keeping it in the DOM. If it is desirable to hide the label, set this to true.
  • placeholder - Used to set the placeholder value of the input.
  • readonly - Used to make the input read-only.
  • type - Set the type of input, usually text.
  • tabindex - Sets the tabindex for the input.
  • required - Make the input a required entry.
  • inputId - Sets the id value of the DOM element.

Bootstrap Mask Input

A field helper to add custom formatted text-masks to inputs.

Use Examples


  label="Phone #"
  placeholder="(000) 000-0000"
  key-press=(action "saveModel" model)}}


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  myMask: ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/],

  actions: {
    saveModel(model) {

Rendered Output

<div class="ember-view form-group bootstrap-input-component" id="ember[1###]">
  <label class="control-label" for="input-ember[1###]">Phone #</label>
  <input id="input-ember[1###]" placeholder="(000) 000-0000" type="text" class="ember-view ember-text-field form-control">

- The Text Mask will be in place of the placeholder and persist through typing while forcing a formatted value.
- This input will autosave the model when user clicks out of input (See: focusOut below).
- Setting the `placeholderChar` to "0" forces the mask to render `(000) 000-0000`, leaving it blank or defaulted would render `(___) ___-____` (See: placeholderChar below).

Required Arguments:

  • mask - An array of Regex values containing each text-mask character.
  • value - Ember model attribute attached to the input.
  • label - String displayed as the labels text.

Optional Arguments:

  • NOTE: Contains all optional values for bootstrap-input, plus the following:
  • keepCharPositions - Boolean value to set whether or not characters' spaces in the format will be saved when another character is deleted (Default is set to true).
  • placeholder - String used to set the placeholder value of the input.
  • placeholderChar - Sets the default character to be used in the mask, default setting is '_'.
  • focus-out - An action passed to the control to call when the user navigates out of input.
  • key-press - An action passed to the control to call when a key is interacted with.
  • key-up - An action passed to the control to call when a key is released.
  • key-down - An action passed to the control to call when a key is pressed down.

Bootstrap Checkbox

A field helper to simplify making a checkbox field for a form.

Use Example:

  label="I am a person"
  onclick=(action "myClickAction")}}

Would render

<div class="checkbox">
      onclick="function <ember action>(this.checked,this.value);"
      I am a person

Optional Arguments:

  • label - String displayed as the labels text.
  • name - Set the input name attribute.
  • isChecked - Set the checked value of the checkbox when initializing.
  • disabled - Sets the checkbox to disabled.
  • autofocus - Sets the checkbox focus when initialized.
  • tabindex - Sets the tab index attribute of the input.
  • required - Sets the checkbox input to required.
  • srOnly - Boolean srOnly removes the label when set to true.
  • onclick - An action passed to the control to call when value changes. Sends checked state (true/false) and the value as params. Using onclick is more accurate than onchange for checkbox event handling.
  • inputId - Sets the id value of the DOM element.

Bootstrap Currency Input

A field helper to simplify making an currency input field for a form.

Use Example:


$'s are also allowed to be prefixed to the number al la $55.45, so this might need to be handled by business logic somewhere in the application. One pattern that could be used to achive this is (using ember-cli-accounting):

import accounting from "accounting"


rateInCents: attr('number'),
rate: computed('rateInCents', {
  get() {
    return `${accounting.formatMoney(this.get('rateInCents') / 100.0)}`;

  set(key, value) {
    if (value) {
      this.set('rateInCents', accounting.unformat(value) * 100);

      return value;
    } else {
      this.set('attorneyBillRateInCents', null);

This pattern stores the rate in cents, and converts it to/from a currency string through a computed property.

Required Arguments:

  • value - Ember model attribute attached to the input.
  • label - String displayed as the labels text.

Optional Arguments:

  • mask - Optionally change the default currency mask (see ember-text-mask for details)
  • errors - Collection of DS.errors.
  • placeholder - Placeholder value.
  • srOnly - Boolean srOnly class to the label for screen readers. This hides the label, but still allows screen readers/computers to read the label by keeping it in the DOM. If it is desirable to hide the label, set this to true.
  • key-press - Key press action.
  • key-up - Key up action.
  • key-down - Key down action.

Bootstrap TextArea

A helper for simplifying textarea input fields.

Use Example:

   placeholder="Enter text..."}}

Rendered output:

<textarea id="bootstrap-component-3" placeholder="Enter text here..." class="ember-view ember-text-area form-control"></textarea>

Required Arguments:

  • value - Ember model attribute attached to the input.
  • label - String displayed as the labels text.

Optional Arguments:

  • errors - Collection of DS.errors.
  • customLabelCss - Custom css to be added to the label.
  • srOnly - Boolean srOnly class to the label for screen readers. This hides the label, but still allows screen readers/computers to read the label by keeping it in the DOM. If it is desirable to hide the label, set this to true.

Bootstrap Datepicker

Use Example


Rendered Output is a <table> structured like a calandar which allows the user to choose a specific date.

Required Arguments:

  • value - Ember model attribute attached to the input.
  • label - String displayed as the labels text.

Optional Arguments:

  • errors - Collection of DS.errors.
  • customLabelCss - Custom css to be added to the label.
  • todayHighlight - Highlights the current date on calandar UI.
  • format - Format for date. Defaults to 'mm/dd/yyyy'.
  • changeDate - The changeDate action is triggered when the selected date changes.
  • srOnly - Boolean srOnly class to the label for screen readers. This hides the label, but still allows screen readers/computers to read the label by keeping it in the DOM. If it is desirable to hide the label, set this to true.

Bootstrap Radio Group

Use Example:


  label="Favorite Animal"
  onChange=(action 'selectValue')
  as |option|}}


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  names: ['Cat', 'Dog', 'Hamster'],
  selectedItem: null,
  actions: {
    selectValue(selectedItem) {
      this.set("selectedItem", selectedItem);

Required Arguments:

  • label - String displayed as the fieldset legend.
  • selected - The selected option
  • options - Colletion of options to display in the component
  • onChange - The function to be invoked when the user checks an option.

Optional Arguments:

  • errors - Collection of DS.errors.

Bootstrap Checkbox Group

Use Example:


  label="What pets do you own?"
  onChange=(action 'selectValue')
  as |option|}}


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  names: ['Cat', 'Dog', 'Hamster'],
  selectedItems: [],
  actions: {
    selectValue(newSelections, oldSelections) {
      this.set('selectedItems', newSelections);

Required Arguments:

  • label - String displayed as the fieldset legend.
  • selected - The selected option
  • options - Colletion of options to display in the component
  • onChange - The function to be invoked when the user checks an option.

Optional Arguments:

  • errors - Collection of DS.errors.

Bootstrap Power Select

Use Example:


  placeholder="Pick a name"
  onChange=(action "foo")
  as |option|}}


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  names: ['Stefan', 'Miguel', 'Tomster', 'Pluto'],
  selectedItem: null,
  actions: {
    foo(selectedItem) {
      this.set("selectedItem", selectedItem);

Required Arguments:

  • label - String displayed as the labels text.
  • selected - The selected option
  • options - Colletion of options to display in the component
  • onChange - The function to be invoked when the user selects or unselects an option.

Optional Arguments:

  • errors - Collection of DS.errors.
  • allowClear - When truthy, single selects allow to nullify the selection
  • loadingMessage - Message shown in the list of options while the options are still not resolved, tipically after a search but also when options is a promise.
  • placeholder - Text to display in the trigger of the component while no option is selected
  • searchEnabled - When falsey, hides the search in single selects
  • searchField - When the options are objects and no custom matches function is provided, this option tells the component what property of the options should the default matches use to filter
  • srOnly - When set to true, this will apply the "sr-only" class to the the label element causing it to be hidden
  • disabled - When truthy the component cannot be interacted
  • renderInPlace - When truthy, the list of options will be rendered in place instead of being attaches to the root of the body and positioned with javascript. Enabling this option also adds a wrapper div around the trigger and the content with class .ember-power-select. Useful when the power-select is inside of a modal.
  • matcher - Sometimes the default matcher is not enough for you, for example if you need to match against several fields or you need to perform fuzzy matching. If that is the case just pass your own matcher function. It will receive the option and the search term and you can do whatever you feel like inside as long as it returns -1 if it doesn't match and a positive number if it does.

Example matcher that searches from the start of each item string:

firstLetterMatcher(listItem, term) {
  if(listItem.toLowerCase().startsWith(term.toLowerCase())) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return -1;

Bootstrap Lazy Power Select

Lazy power select is only built to handle large datasets and must use the search action because the page of the data that will be paginated through must be known, which cannot be known before a search key has been established. Thus, do not expect a search to work unless the search attribute is used instead of options. Lazy power select, in order to keep track of the total pages available, expects the promise to return { options, pageCount } where pageCount is the total number of pages, and options is an enumerable of the fetched options to show.

Required Arguments:

  • label - String displayed as the labels text.
  • selected - The selected option
  • searchByPage - When called, this passes the searchTerm and the page to load. Must return { options, pageCount } where options are the resolved page options, and pageCount is the total count of pages that can be loaded. When the user scrolls to the bottom of the list, bootstrap-power-select-lazy will call searchByPage to load the next page of results.
  • onChange - The function to be invoked when the user selects or unselects an option.

Optional Arguments:

  • debounceMS - Used to avoid firing a request on every letter input

Example Use

  searchByPage=(action 'fetchColors')
  onChange=(action (mut selected))
  as |option|}}

Bootstrap Multi Select

Use Example:


  placeholder="Pick a name"
  onChange=(action (mut selectedOptions))
  as |option|}}

Same options as bootstrap-power-select.

Bootstrap Pagination Nav

Note that this requires api_me >= v0.7.0

Use Example:


  moveToPage=(action (mut pageNumber))}}


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  queryParams: ['pageNumber', 'pageSize']
    Note that you would combine these with existing queryParams.
    So if you had:
  queryParams: ['search']
    It would become:
  queryParams: ['search', 'pageNumber', 'pageSize']
  pageNumber: 1,
  pageSize: 15,



import Ember from 'ember';
import PaginatedRouteMixin from 'ember-bootstrap-controls/mixins/routes/pagination'; // Import the mixin

export default Ember.Route.extend(PaginatedRouteMixin, { //Extend from the mixin

  model: function(params) {
    return this.get('store').query('someModel', {
      page: this.paginationParams(params), // Pass this information along with the query.

  afterModel: function(model) {
    this._super(...arguments); // Call the afterModel from the mixin

Bootstrap Data Table

Use Example:

  title="User Index"
      label="Contact #"
    <!-- NOTE: When calling an association of the dataArray model, you must use snke case instead oc camel case. -->

Rendered Output:

<h3 class="text-center">{{title}}</h3>
<table class="table table-bordered">
      <th>Contact #</th>
      <td><a href="users/show/:id">{{user.username}}</a></td>
      <td><a href="contacts/index">{{user.email}}</a></td>
      <td><a href="users/show/:id">{{user.username}}</a></td>
      <td><a href="contacts/index">{{user.email}}</a></td>
      <td><a href="users/show/:id">{{user.username}}</a></td>
      <td><a href="contacts/index">{{user.email}}</a></td>
    <!-- ...etc... -->

Required Arguments:

  • dataArray - Array of Ember models to display on the table as rows (Note: At this time only Ember model objects work in the dataArray).
  • columns - Array of Hashes containing column data.
    • attr - Name of Model's attribute to be displayed in column.
    • label - String displayed as the column's header text.

Optional Arguments:

  • title - String displayed as the table's title.
  • titleSmall - Boolean, when true reduces the size of the table's title.
  • striped - Boolean, when true adds alternating shaded rows to table.
  • responsive - Boolean, when true enabled horizontal scrolling on table and hides y-axis overflow.
  • bordered - Boolean, when true adds border to table and columns
  • canHover - Boolean, when true enables row shading on mouse hover.
  • condensed - Boolean, when true removes cell padding for a smaller table.
  • numberedRows - Boolean, when true displays row number in first column.
    • Optional Column Arguments
    • hasLink - Boolean, when true wraps the column's content in a link tag.
    • idOnRoute - Boolean, when true adds the id of the row's model to the url (used mainly for show and edit routes).
    • url - String value of Ember route (i.e. "posts.show")

All optional argument values are false as default


Adding custom styling to the table is simple, just add a few handy class selectors to your css, scss, or less files and style normally. Here are the class selectors:

  • ember-bs-data-table-control - The outside wrap <div> for the table component.
  • ember-bs-data-table - Selector for the <table> element itself
  • ember-bs-table-header-row - The <tr> element inside of <thead>.
  • ember-bs-table-header-cell - The <td> element inside of <thead>.
  • ember-bs-table-row - The <tr> element inside of <tbody>.
  • ember-bs-table-cell - The <td> element inside of <tbody>.

Note: Width is determined by size of the table's parent element.

For more information on Bootstrap style tables, visit the Bootstrap website.


If you are running ember-freestyle then you can add the following component to get a {{freestyle-section}} that contains all of this library's components.





Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.