:bar_chart: Save matplotlib figures as TikZ/PGFplots for smooth integration into LaTeX.
- 8leggedunicornTaking a break
- abdulhaq-e
- brioglade
- carlosal1015National University of Engineering
- chaggeChagge AI
- chaoshengtHenan Polytechnic University
- chenchr
- djbrughOhio
- DoxdrumUniversidad Santa Maria
- falconzyxUniversity of Alberta
- Feryal@deepmind
- FriedrichFroebelGermany
- gro1729
- hbGermany
- HereChen
- HiTuX... !
- jakmomo
- jhcloos
- LeanderKEdinburgh, UK
- lmartiObservable universe
- MarcelTh
- mdkennedy3Stanford University
- mountainEarth
- narahahnRostock, Germany
- nerdpal
- nschloeMonday Tech
- orajput
- PetePupalaikisNubis Communications
- ptochestrange indentations
- sewkokotOpole University of Technology
- snowwolph
- soraros
- TRiedlinggermany
- tristanbf
- TurnOffNODUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- wicky08