
Mirror a 3D volume through the center

Primary LanguagePython



Mirror a volume through saggital plane through center from right to left


python3 mirror.py -t MEBRAINS_T1.nii.gz seg_mn_lr/MEBRAINS_segmentation_mn.nii seg_mn_lr/MEBRAINS_segmentation_mn_sym.nii.gz


usage: mirror.py [-h] [--template TEMPLATE_FILENAME] [--offset OFFSET] [--clobber] input_filename output_filename

Mirorr a volume.

Mandatory positional arguments:

input_filename: Filename of brain volume to mirror.

output_filename: Output filename.

Optional arguments:

-h, --help: show this help message and exit

--roi-dir ROI_DIR, -r ROI_DIR: Output directory for individual ROI volumes. (Default=roi

--template TEMPLATE_FILENAME, -t TEMPLATE_FILENAME: Optional filename of brain template to use as reference.

--offset OFFSET: Value to add to mirrored region to create unique mirrored ROI.

--clobber Overwrite existing results