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Miscallaneous programs for analyzing (mostly) PET images
idSURF: voxel-wise partial-volume correction of PET images [1]
gtm: geometric transfer matrix (GTM) partial-volume correction method for PET [2]
srv: create super-resolution volumetric image based on pair of surfaces
tka: perform tracer kinetic analysis on PET images (patlak[3], logan[4], suvr)
surf_dist: calculate geodesic surface distance from a roi [5]
mincgroupstats: extract statistics for multiple images with multiple atlases/binary masks (surface or volumetric)
surf_defrag: degfragment (remove holes) in a surface roi [5]
crop_to_mask: crop an image to the according to the min/max z, y, and x dimensions of a binary mask
minc2ascii: convert minc to ascii file
minc_integrate: upsample a minc file by integrating over voxels


mkdir build
cd build
ccmake -D MINC_INSTALL_DIR="path to your minc installation" -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="install path" .. make
make install


[1] Funck, T., Paquette, C., Evans, A. & Thiel, A. Surface-based partial-volume correction for high-resolution PET. Neuroimage 102 Pt 2, 674–87 (2014).
[2] Rousset, O. G., Ma, Y. & Evans, A. C. Correction for Partial Volume Effects in PET : Principle and Validation. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 39, 904–911 (1998).
[3] Patlak, C. S., Blasberg, R. G. & Fenstermacher, J. D. Graphical evaluation of blood-to-brain transfer constants from multiple-time uptake data. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 3, 1–7 (1983).
[4] Logan, J. et al. Distribution Volume Ratios Without Blood Sampling from Graphical Analysis of PET Data. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 16, 834–840 (1996).
[5] Funck, T. et al. Assessing neuronal density in peri-infarct cortex with PET: Effects of cortical topology and partial volume correction. Hum. Brain Mapp. (2016). doi:10.1002/hbm.23363