- 6
Sample lineages from different populations
#32 opened by sdwfrost - 1
Multiple sampling of transmission tree
#54 opened by ekankaka - 1
populationName, reactionName, etc unnecessary
#33 opened by tgvaughan - 0
- 0
JSON output mechanism wastes memory
#30 opened by tgvaughan - 2
Unit Tests
#35 opened by tgvaughan - 0
Clean up JSON output mechanism
#18 opened by tgvaughan - 0
Neater specification of moments.
#17 opened by tgvaughan - 4
frequency-dependent rates
#25 opened by sdwfrost - 2
master not in available in BEAST v2.7 packages
#53 opened by ekankaka - 1
Who infected whom
#52 opened by thednainus - 2
Possible typo in message
#51 opened by aezarebski - 2
- 2
- 5
Trace history of particles?
#45 opened by sdwfrost - 1
iteration example?
#46 opened by sdwfrost - 2
Simple problem
#48 opened by noahaus - 1
Left/right ordering of child nodes not guaranteed in coalescent tree generation
#19 opened by tgvaughan - 1
- 0
- 0
No indication of simulations being finished
#40 opened by tgvaughan - 1
- 1
Setting nSamples doesn't give regular sampling
#29 opened by tgvaughan - 2
- 2
URL invalid
#38 opened by richelbilderbeek - 2
duplicate reactions
#24 opened by erikvolz - 1
BeastTreeFromMaster messy and undocumented.
#36 opened by tgvaughan - 1
LineageSampler not found
#31 opened by sdwfrost - 1
Time-dependent rates
#27 opened by tgvaughan - 1
Big Refactor
#26 opened by tgvaughan - 5
- 2
State of lineage at sampling
#23 opened by erikvolz - 1
NullPointerException during postProcessing, when simulationTime hit (no endCondition)
#21 opened by denisekuehnert - 1
NullPointerException in InheritanceTrajectory when simulationTime not specified
#20 opened by denisekuehnert - 1
LineageEndCondition exceeded
#22 opened by denisekuehnert - 1
Allow for ensembles of trees
#15 opened by tgvaughan - 1
Add support for BEAST tree generation
#16 opened by tgvaughan - 1
Implement string-based reaction specification
#13 opened by tgvaughan - 1
Update XML interface
#12 opened by tgvaughan - 1
Add reaction type annotation to graph nodes.
#11 opened by tgvaughan - 1
- 1
Allow timed start nodes.
#7 opened by tgvaughan - 1
Allow trajectories to have end conditions
#6 opened by tgvaughan - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
Tree generation
#3 opened by tgvaughan - 0
- 0
Modularisation of output file generation
#4 opened by tgvaughan - 0
Model description in output JSON
#2 opened by tgvaughan