1. Introduction

This library is the implementation of data-services data source for Lightweight Data Provider (LwDP).

See more about data-services data source here.

2. Getting started

2.1. Installation

  • From PyPI (pip)
    This package can be found on PyPI.
    pip install th2-data-services-lwdp

2.2. Releases

Each release has separate branch indicated by DataSourceMajorVersion of branch name.

Available versions:

2.3. Release versioning

Implementations versions have the following structure: DataSourceMajorVersion.ImplVerison

DataSourceMajorVersion - the major version of LwDP the release uses

ImplVerison - the version of data source implementation in Major.Minor.Patch versioning semantic style

For example v1.0.1.0 is the version for LwDP v1.x.y. The implementation version 0.1.0.