
This is a local webserver for RNASeq Analysis

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

DUESSELPORE Webserver manual

Getting start

Simply install Docker and run (you may have to run it as sudo user on Linux):

docker run -it -p 8000:8000 thachdt4/duesselpore:running python3 /home/ag-rossi/projects/duesselpore/manage.py runserver

Open the web browser at localhost:8000/duesselpore. More information is on manual.md file. Duesselpore is a full stack, light weight webserver to process RNASeq from Nanopore as well as other (Illumina, PacBio ...)

  • Duesselpore web framework is writen using Django Python 3.8.5, NGS data analysis function were written using R and Python.
  • Duesselpore can run locally on your Docker Container.
  • Except Gene Ontology and KEGG, other functional analysis can work without internet connection.

(Optional) You can add your user account to docker group to use docker without sudo

$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER 
$ sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock


System requirement

System requirement

* CPU: 2.0 GHz (64bits) 2 cores or higher
* Memory: 8 GB or higher
* Diskdrive: 100 GB free space 
* Window 10, Linux (64 bits) or MacOS.


All dependancies package are built in docker images.