🕸 Yet Another .NET Clean Architecture, but for Microservices project. It uses Minimal Clean Architecture with DDD-lite, CQRS-lite, and just enough Cloud-native patterns apply on the simple eCommerce sample and run on Tye with Dapr extension 🍻
- alexnroPalma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares, España
- brunocrtNew York, NY
- ccccccmdshanghai
- chauluong
- codercengizElokon GmbH
- commodus
- DamilolaAdegunwaLagos, Nigeria
- dangminhbkNTQ Solution
- freshusername
- git1362Toronto ,Canada
- hcchappyFlextronics
- huanbdHaNoi,VietNam
- huynhtrung1404Ho Chi Minh city
- l277978707
- mahmoudkandeel@microsoft
- mehdihadeli
- mingyangzhu
- mokarchiTehran,Iran
- Mutuduxf
- Oucema90Turkey
- phuocquachPTC
- RafaelLiendo
- randianb武汉大族谱数字科技有限公司
- RodrigoTorresWebRtiWeb
- samchenws
- skylineaxilleas
- smartliubo1
- spakinzTorrejón de Ardoz
- tanekim88
- thangtv611Ho Chi Minh
- thanhxuanhdHa Noi, Viet Nam
- tuannguyenssuSoongsil University
- wangxldev
- Z4t4r
- ZheGuangZeng