🕸 Yet Another .NET Clean Architecture, but for Microservices project. It uses Minimal Clean Architecture with DDD-lite, CQRS-lite, and just enough Cloud-native patterns apply on the simple eCommerce sample and run on Tye with Dapr extension 🍻
- aaronoldsBeverly Hills / Kingsley, Michigan
- alexnroPalma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares, España
- and9527
- ArthurChang01
- baajarmehdeveloping a new AI project...
- beffesPortugal
- bilalislamTurkey
- burakulker
- CaminhoneiroHellPorto, Portugal
- chenzuo
- chiduocse
- chokamiChokami Inc. OÜ
- commodus
- eemailme
- el-bastard0
- greghoover
- israelsantiago
- JCEdward
- kalprajkakani
- Mauro-Fausto
- mehdihadeli
- murugarathamSingapore
- nhuanluongNhuận Lương
- nimaghajari
- novacemaH3A Copilot Users
- piccolorio
- RafaelLiendo
- rajeevchamoli
- srashok
- thangchungNashTech
- thomas-margraff
- usmanaridianCodingKey
- vitorjsa
- WildGenieTurkey
- xasanaliBeelab
- YuriiPovkhPoland