- 12
Quantitative Evaluation
#11 opened by sunshineatnoon - 16
- 1
- 4
question about emotion code , ws_stdv
#20 opened by Un1Lee - 1
License file
#24 opened by alakhsharmaa - 7
- 1
question about data.utils.process_camera_inv
#22 opened by Orig1n - 1
Pretrained model batchsize and gpus
#29 opened by szh-bash - 2
ERROR:torch.distributed.elastic.multiprocessing.api:failed (exitcode: -9) local_rank: 0 (pid: 150437) of binary: /data1/anconda3/envs/otavatar/bin/python
#13 opened by wangxuanx - 1
Multi-GPU trainning error (RuntimeError: module must have its parameters and buffers on device cuda:0 (device_ids[0]) but found one of them on device: cuda:3)
#28 opened by szh-bash - 0
About requirement.yaml
#26 opened by silence-tang - 3
Makes face animation with specified image
#25 opened by 904763189cy - 2
About downloading processed data
#18 opened by chenerg - 3
- 1
- 11
- 7
No checkpoint at 2000
#6 opened by jasonlee328 - 1
- 1
No arcface_resnet18.pth found in arcface-pytorch
#21 opened by 904763189cy - 0
- 4
- 0
- 1
- 1
Difference between code and paper
#12 opened by ldz666666 - 1
- 1
can you share your pretrained model?
#5 opened by amerssun - 1
pretrained data
#8 opened by szh-bash - 0
Is there anyway to download the ffhqrebalanced512-64.pth from Baidu Netdisk without an Baidu account.
#4 opened by jasonlee328 - 1
when release the code
#1 opened by 649459021