
Turning your Tumblr archive into a single XML file.

MIT LicenseMIT

Tumblr to XML

This takes a Tumblr archive generated with tumblr-rb and turns it into a single XML file using Jekyll.



  1. If you have not done so, install tumblr-rb with the command gem install tumblr-rb

  2. Clone this repo:

     git clone https://github.com/thebestsophist/tumblrtoxml.git
  3. Enter the directory and download your tumblr archive to _posts

     $ TUMBLRHOST=yourbloghere.tumblr.com tumblr backup _posts/
  4. Update the yaml front matter in index.xsl with your blog details.

  5. Enter the _posts directory and rename the archived posts to something jekyll will like:

     $ find *.txt -exec bash -c 'mv "$0" "2013-10-05-${0%\.txt}.markdown"' {} \;

You can replace the date 2013-10-05 with any date you prefer, jekyll requires it, but it is not used in the generated XML file. I prefer to use the date of import.

  1. Mass replace id: with tumblrid:

[Need a good command for this that only matches the id: in the yaml front matter, I currently just use a mass-repace app.]

  1. Edit the YAML front matter in archive.xml to match your site.

  2. Return to your jekyll root and build the xml file:

     $ jekyll build

Jekyll will still build individual pages for your posts, you can ignore those, the important file is _site/archive.xml which will be a single XML.


  • Since Tumblr is terrible at generating clean XHTML, post contents are shoved into a <![CDATA[]>. You may need to clean up the data a little more if you plan on using it to generate your sites.
  • Since XML is more strict with special characters, you may have to go through and clean your ampersands, smart quotes and such.