
UCLA Swabseq Software

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UCLA Amplicon Quantification Software for analyzing amplicon data from SwabSeq Sars-CoV-2 testing

see countAmplicons.R for script to turn BCLs and XLSX description of experiment into tables of counts per amplicon

see analysis for run-specific analysis scripts

see runs for BCLs, gzipped fastqs and tables of amplicon counts for each experiment

Statistics and notes for each sequencing run:

Run Instrument Notes % PhiX Observed % PhiX Targeted Conc. Loaded (pM) Cluster Density Cluster PF (%)
v40 NextSeqM - 69 70 1.5 pM 93K/mm2 94%PF
v39 NextSeqH - 0.4 50 1.8pM 126K/mm2 42%PF

Run Instrument Notes % PhiX Observed % PhiX Targeted Conc. Loaded (pM) RT Indexing Strategy PCR cycles Read Cluster PF (%) % ≥Q30 Yield Error Rate% Reads PF Density Tiles Legacy Phas/Prephas (%) Intensity
v38 MiSeq -
v37 MiSeq NS 1:5 29.90 35 25 Taqpath - 50 1 80.96 ±6.08 96.03 559.02Mbp 0.35±0.32 22,360,804 1,135±60 38 0.002/0.002 181±20
v36 MiSeq NS 1:4 and 1:5 21.26 35 25 Taqpath - 50 1 88.05±3.46 96.10 614.70Mbp 0.21±0.08 24,588,136 1,118±29 38 0.005/0.000 149±25
v35 MiSeq ED 26.89 35 25 Taqpath - 50 1 89.50±2.29 96.79 638.27Mbp 0.21±0.18 25,530,596 1,133±27 38 0.000/0.000 156±20
v34 MiSeq ED 31.96 35 25 Taqpath - 50 1 90.38±1.97 96.92 602.46Mbp 0.26±0.34 24,098,420 1,060±29 38 0.000/0.000 170±27
v33 MiSeq - 33.65 35 25 Taqpath - 50 1 89.05 ±1.85 96.78 637.94Mbp 0.16±0.02 25,517,552 1,146±15 38 0.001/0.000 175±26
v32 MiSeq - 35.56 35 25 Taqpath - 50 1 92.27±1.46 97.46 539.25Mbp 0.23±0.05 21,570,046 924±14 38 0.000 / 0.002 195±31
v31 MiSeq - 34.78 35 25 Taqpath - 50 1 90.15±3.09 96.87 564.97Mbp 0.17±0.04 22,598,764 996±21 38 0.004/0.001 176±11
v30 MiSeq Saliva TBE .5X Tw20; 95C 30 min; Ashe; ED; 30.38 35 25 Taqpath Semi-Combinatorial 50 1 92.63±1.25 97.49 487.05Mbp 0.31±0.07 19,482,174 815±32 38 0.000/0.000 164 ±22
v29 MiSeq Saliva TBE .5X Tw20; 95C 30 min; Ashe; ED; 27.5 35 25 Taqpath Semi-Combinatorial 50 1 92.86±1.38 97.84 624.03Mbp 0.20±0.02 24,961,348 1,057±25 38 0.000/0.000 198 ±28
v28 MiSeq Saliva TBE .5X Tw20; 95C 30 min; Ashe; ED; 41 35 25 Taqpath Semi-Combinatorial 50 1 90.11±2.04 97.21 629.71Mbp 0.18±0.34 25,188,428 1,117±14 38 0.000/0.000 180±25
v27 MiSeq Saliva TE,RNASecure,Qiagen Protease + 95C heating; ATCC after heat; ED; Ashe 2x TBE w/ 0.5% Tw20 7uL 18 30 25 Taqpath UDI 50 1 94.15±1.28 98.01 556.26Mbp 0.22±0.04 22,250,444 923±23 38 0.009/0.000 208±31
v26 MiSeq Saliva TE/RNASecQP; 2X TBE; TBE + Tween ; VTM +95C heat before or after adding ATCC; ED 44 40 25 Taqpath Semi-Combinatorial 50 1 93.29±1.14 97.87 550.14Mbp 0.15±0.02 22,005,736 921±16 38 0.004/0.007 186±29
v25 MiSeq Saliva TBE+/tween; TE,RNASecure,Qiagen Protease; +/- 95 C heating 36 40 25 Taqpath UDI 50
v24 MiSeq Saliva +/- RNA Secure; NP in VTM, NS, or Amies; dilutions in water 42 40 25 Taqpath Semi-Combinatorial 50 1 92.85±1.17 97.79 483.40Mbp 0.14±0.04 19,336,026 829±18 38 0.014/0.040 183 ±28
v23 MiSeq NP in VTM diluted; eSwab(aimes); Saliva in cells2cdna; NP in NS diluted; increased lysate vol to 10uL; dilutions in TE 37 40 26 Taqpath UDI 50 1 92.69±0.86 97.88 570.91Mbp 0.14±0.03 22,836,378 971±15 38 0.000/0.000 185 ±26
v22 MiSeq Saliva undiluted; NP into VTM +/- dilution; v14 rerun; 15 40 25 Taqpath Semi-Combinatorial 40 and 50 1 96.35±0.88 98.57 347.74Mbp 0.20±0.31 13,909,713 560±20 38 0.135/0.107 195±34
v21 NextSeq NextSeq; mix of v18,v19,v20 8 35 1.5 Taqpath UDI 40 1 95.54±0.45 98.48 0.17Gbp 0.36±0.10 27,807,589 33±1 72 0.119/0.183 12741±809
v20 MiSeq EUA (LoD confirmation); Saliva undiluted 11 35 24 Taqpath UDI 40 1 96.09±0.91 98.34 284.75Mbp 0.27±0.35 11,390,135 443±9 38 0.270/0.020 192±31
v19 MiSeq EUA (prelimary LoD and Positive and Negative patient samples) 14 35 26 Taqpath UDI 40 1 85.26±20.73 97.28 563.71Mbp 0.50±0.49 22,548,216 1,052±47 38 0.011/0.000 189±27
v18 MiSeq Negative Patient and attempted contrived EUA (high basecalling error rate, diagnostic for amplicon misassignment) 11 30 27 Taqpath Semi-Combinatorial 40 1 69.46±22.02 94.37 438.81Mbp 1.25±0.62 17,552,240 1,042±57 38 0.008/0.000 192±22
v17 MiSeq Negative Patient and attempted contrived EUA (but too high viral input for LoD experiment) 17 30 26 Taqpath Semi-Combinatorial 40 1 93.83±1.71 97.63 555.45Mbp 0.13±0.01 22,218,176 934±12 38 0.006/0.036 175±21
v16 MiSeq v13/v14 and Simulated Patients; first test no RPP30 unindexed 17 30 31.3 Taqpath Combinatorial 40 1 94.99±1.07 98.20 598.33Mbp 0.22±0.34 23,933,240 973±24 38 0.032/0.000 193±31
v15 MiSeq rerun V13 with 384-well plates 1-3; bleach wash 18 30 40.8 Taqpath Combinatorial 50 1 75.37±7.07 94.56 497.81Mbp 0.83±0.51 19,912,204 1,103±45 38 0.027/0.078 177±20
v14 MiSeq Saliva in NS diluted; Contrived in HEK extracted; no bleach wash 17 30 40.8 Taqpath Combinatorial 50 1 97.00±0.44 99.01 463.36Mbp 0.12±0.01 18,534,400 742±13 38 0.138/0.101 203±24
v13 MiSeq Saliva in NS diluted; Contrived in HEK extracted; Titrate Rxn Vols 15 30 40.8 Taqpath Combinatorial 50 1 97.16±0.97 98.96 274.97Mbp 0.14±0.01 10,998,699 406±21 38 0.137/0.101 193±30
v12 MiSeq MTS in TE diluted and titration of RPP30 unindexed primers 44 40 20 Taqpath UDI 50 1 93.18±0.96 97.35 171.26Mbp 0.35±0.11 6,850,514 277±24 38 0.166/0.105 147±16
v11 MiSeq MTS in TE diluted 31 40 22 Taqpath UDI 50 1 94.14±1.02 98.37 423.37Mbp 0.52±0.13 16,934,964 703±31 38 0.090/0.064 152±21
v10 MiSeq NP in NS real-world samples; Saliva in NS diluted 36 40 20 NEB Luna vs Taqpath UDI 50 1 94.33±0.93 97.94 440.62Mbp 0.19±0.04 17,624,768 727±15 38 0.103/0.086 112±16
v9 MiSeq MTS in NS diluted; NP in NS real-world samples 28 40 20 NEB Luna UDI 50 and 60 1 95.47±0.89 98.74 346.55Mbp 0.48±0.08 13,862,051 563±20 38 0.095/0.029 172±26
v8 MiSeq MTS in NS diluted 39 40 20 NEB Luna UDI 40 and 50 1 95.06±0.83 98.29 475.38Mbp 0.16±0.02 19,015,232 776±11 38 0.084/0.043 146±18
v7 MiSeq MTS in TE diluted; Saliva in TE with Protease +/- dilution 37 40 16 NEB Luna UDI 40 1 92.71±0.99 97.26 218.65Mbp 0.67±0.32 8,745,975 363±31 38 0.102/0.044 190±34