
Nagios plugin for monitoring Unity system

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Nagios plugin for monitoring Unity system

nagios-unity is built on top of storops, which interacts with Unity storage via RESTful API. nagios-unity provides an easy-to-use command line interface for invocation of nagios servers. nagios-unity follows the output rules defined by Print only one line of text


From Pypi

The nagios-unity can be install via pypi.

$ pip install nagios-unity

From source

Alternatively, clone this repo via git and:

$ cd nagios-unity
$ sudo python setup.py install

Once installed, a nagios-unity (on *nux) or nagios-unity.exe (on Windows) command will be available for use.

Command line usage

User can invoke the command line nagios-unity in bash or CMD/PowerShell. To get the help, type nagios-unity --help.

Here is the example:

$ nagios-unity --help
Unity plugin for Nagios.

    nagios-unity -H <HOST> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> [--cacert <CACERT>]  <OBJECT>
    nagios-unity -h | --help
    nagios-unity --version

    OBJECT  One of below values:
        battery, dae, disk, dpe,
        ethernet_port fan, fc_port,
        io_module, lcc, lun, memory_module,
        pool, power_supply, sas_port,
        sp, ssc, ssd, system, array_hardware

    -h --help                         Show this screen.
    -V --version                      Show version.
    -C --cacert <CACERT>              Unity CA certificates.
    -H --host <HOST>                  Unity IP address.
    -u --username <USERNAME>          Unity User login.
    -p --password <PASSWORD>          Unity password.
    -v --verbose                      show verbose logs.

  nagios-unity -H -u admin -p Password123! ssc

Available monitoring commands

  • battery
  • dae
  • disk
  • dpe
  • ethernet_port
  • fan
  • fc_port
  • io_module
  • lcc
  • lun
  • memory_module
  • pool
  • power_supply
  • sas_port
  • sp
  • ssc
  • ssd
  • system
  • array_hardware

array_hardware is a virtual command which combines a serial of hardware components of Unity.

Array health enum mapping

The nagios requires plugins to provide defined return codes for each periodic check, see Plugin Return Codes for more details.

This plugin will perform following mapping between the Unity health enum and nagios return codes:

Unity Health Enum Nagios Return Code Nagios Service Status



Before proceeding, make sure the nagios and its components are corrected configured. It is also suggested to try out the nagios-unity command line.

  • Create a template storage-array in templates.cfg.
# Define a template for storage that we can reuse
define host{
        name                    storage-array      ; The name of this host template
        use                     generic-host       ; Inherit default values from the generic-host template
        hostgroups              storage-arrays     ; Host groups that storage arrays should be a member of
        check_period            24x7               ; By default, storage arrays are monitored round the clock
        check_interval          5                  ; Arrays are checked every 5 minutes
        retry_interval          1                  ; Schedule array check retries at 1 minute intervals
        max_check_attempts      10                 ; Check each array 10 times (max)
        check_command           check-host-alive   ; Default command to check if arrays are "alive"
        notification_period     24x7               ; Send notifications at any time
        notification_interval   30                 ; Resend notifications every 30 minutes
        notification_options    d,r                ; Only send notifications for specific array states
        contact_groups          admins             ; Notifications get sent to the admins by default
        register                0                  ; DONT REGISTER THIS - ITS JUST A TEMPLATE
  • Create a dedicated storage.cfg for storing all storage arrays.
$ touch storage.cfg
  • Add groups for grouping all storage devices in storage.cfg
define hostgroup{
    hostgroup_name  storage-arrays
    alias           External Storage
  • Add array for nagios management.
define host{
    use         storage-array
    host_name   OB_H1132        ; The name we're giving to this array
    alias       My Nagios Unity ; A longer name associated with the array
    address   ; IP address of the Unity array
    _user_name  admin           ; Customer variable for Unity user name
    _password   password        ; Customer variable for Unity password
  • Add command for nagios use in commands.cfg.
# for unity

define command{
    command_name    nagios-unity
    command_line    /usr/local/bin/nagios-unity -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u $_HOSTUSER_NAME$ -p $_HOSTPASSWORD$ $ARG1$

Note: _HOST prefix is prepended by nagios, see custom object vars.

  • Add services for managed arrays.
define service{
    use                 generic-service
    host_name           OB_H1132
    service_description Ethernet Ports
    check_command       nagios-unity!ethernet_port

define service{
    use                 generic-service
    host_name           OB_H1132
    service_description FC Ports
    check_command       nagios-unity!fc_port

define service{
    use                 generic-service
    host_name           OB_H1132
    service_description SAS Ports
    check_command       nagios-unity!sas_port

For a full list of available commands, check it out Available monitoring commands

  • Restart nagios to reflect the changes.
$ sudo service nagios restart

SSL consideration

Unity supports SSL via RESTful API, administartor can setup their own CA for SSL verification.

nagios-unity also leverages the capability of RESTful API, and provides a -C option for SSL verification.

To do this:

  • First add the -C <path/file to CA> to the commands.cfg
# for unity

define command{
    command_name    nagios-unity
    command_line    /usr/local/bin/nagios-unity -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u $_HOSTUSER_NAME$ -p $_HOSTPASSWORD$ -C $_HOSTCACERT $ARG1$
  • Then supply _cacert option in the storage.cfg.
define host{
    use         storage-array
    host_name   OB_H1132        ; The name we're giving to this array
    alias       My Nagios Unity ; A longer name associated with the array
    address   ; IP address of the Unity array
    _user_name  admin           ; Customer variable for Unity user name
    _password   password        ; Customer variable for Unity password
    _cacert     /path/to/CA     ; Customer variable for Unity CA certificate
  • Restart nagios service to reflect the changes.


Simply fork this repo and send PR for your code change(also tests to cover your change), remember to give a title and description of your PR. We are willing to enhance this project with you :).


Apache license version 2