
A super fast diffing utility for HTML and Plaintext

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A super fast diffing utility for HTML and Plaintext

This work is based on htmldiff.net. Originally, I forked htmldiff-javascript (which is a fork of htmldiff-js), but now the code has almost completely deviated. A summary of the changes:

  1. New faster tokenizer based on htmlparser2
  2. Support for "atomic" tags (i.e. tags that should be considered as 1 token) in the tokenizer
  3. Support for diffing nodes based on attributes
  4. No such thing as "word" anymore. Everything is a token
  5. More efficient match finder (no more unnecessary stripping of attributes from tags)
  6. Extensive test suite (thanks to htmldiff.net and htmldiff.js)
  7. Removed support for block expressions
  8. Tags & class names are now fully configurable
  9. ~100x faster (no kidding!)


npm install diffblazer


import { diff } from 'diffblazer'

const oldHtml = '<p>hello world</p>'
const newHtml = '<p>hello world!</p>'

diff(oldHtml, newHtml)

// Output: <p>hello world<ins class='diffins'>!</ins></p>

Custom markers

Aside from marking differences using HTML tags, you can also specify your own markers. This can be anything:

import { diff } from 'diffblazer'

const oldText = 'hello world'
const newText = 'hello beautiful world'

diff(oldText, newText, {
	markers: {
		insert: {
			start: '**',
			end: '**',

// Output: hello **beautiful** world


 ✓ benches/html-diff.bench.ts (2) 1212ms
   ✓ benchmark (2) 1210ms
     name                 hz     min     max    mean     p75     p99    p995    p999     rme  samples
   · diffblazer     5,980.63  0.1440  2.2266  0.1672  0.1657  0.3724  0.4760  0.9363  ±1.30%     2991   fastest
   · node-htmldiff    615.75  1.3015  3.3126  1.6240  1.6930  3.0620  3.2030  3.3126  ±2.60%      308

 BENCH  Summary

  diffblazer - benches/html-diff.bench.ts > benchmark
    9.71x faster than node-htmldiff

To run these benchmarks yourself:

npm run bench


If you'd like to contribute to this project, you can do so in the following ways:

  1. Report an issue
  2. Implement a feature
  3. Fix a bug

Before you open a PR, make sure to run the tests, like so:

npm run test


Copyright © 2024 Abdullah Atta under MIT. Read full text here.