A stack. A framework. A conversation.
[meta] is a stack for building software using Clojure(Script).
We built [meta] out of the idea that a single Open Source package could be used to build any tech startup. We named it [meta] as a reminder that software takes many forms and like ideas, should continuously evolve. [meta] is an attempt at building the quickest path from an idea to a startup.
Things [meta] has been used for:
- Application Prototyping
- Enterprise Applications
[meta] is written in Clojure(Script) and built using:
- Boot - Build tooling for Clojure.
- Hoplon - ClojureScript Web Framework.
- Feathers.js - An open source REST and realtime API layer for modern applications.
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- Electron - Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
- Atom - A hackable text editor for the 21st Century.
[meta] is powered by Boot, an environment for building applications using clojure.
Generate an empty project:
$ boot -d degree9/meta project --generate
Start a development workflow:
$ boot project --develop
Thanks to Boot, [meta] is built with itself.
- boot-exec - Boot-clj external process execution using Apache Commons Exec.
- boot-semver - Semantic Versioning for boot projects.
- boot-semgit - Semantic Git access from boot tasks.
- boot-welcome - ASCII art banners with boot-clj.
We believe in building universal technologies and the web is the most accessible platform available. [meta] builds upon Hoplon to provide abstractions for the DOM.
(page "index.html")
(title "[meta]"))
(p "Hello!")))
- material-hl - Material Design Components for Hoplon
- uikit-hl - UIkit v3 Components for Hoplon
[meta] provides both REST and Realtime communication via FeatherScript, a wrapper around Feathers.js implemented in ClojureScript. Feathers enables event-based communication between clients and servers and other API's including persistent data stores.
- featherscript - A feathers.js wrapper for ClojureScript.
[meta] is built entirely out of Clojure(Script) including the backend. This means compiling to JavaScript and running on Node.js.
- boot-nodejs - Node.js tasks for boot-clj.
- boot-npm - Node Package Manager (NPM) wrapper task for boot-clj.
- nodejs-cljs - CLJS bindings for the Node.js API.
[meta] can package Client/Server applications with Electron. Building cross-platform Clojure(Script) applications.
- electron-cljs - Electron bindings for CLJS.
- boot-electron - Electron tasks for boot-clj.
[meta] is being cultivated within Atom, a hackable text editor for the 21st Century.
- proto-repl - A Clojure Development Environment package for Atom.
[meta] server applications can be containerized for scalability through docker.
- boot-docker - Docker wrapper for boot-clj.
We are working on joining OpenCollective, and need your help getting 100 ⭐'s on github!
- 100 GitHub ⭐'s
- Set Development Goals
- Pay Contributors!
[meta] is used extensively by the D9 Enterprise Platform. Commercial support is available for Enterprise Applications.
[meta] would not exist without the fine work of all the technologies mentioned and their respective communities. We encourage you to join one.
All images/logo's are owned by their respective projects/communities.