
ets configurable plugin for smarthomeNG

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Send and receive messages to and from knx bus via a knx router. The plugin has to be configured with ets. On the web-interface are buttons to enable the programming mode and to generate a knx-prod-xml file. This file can be used with Kaenx-Creator or OpenKnxProducer to generate a knx-prod file for ETS.


The knx python module from https://github.com/thelsing/knx/tree/master/examples/knxPython



    class_name: KnxEts
    class_path: plugins.knx_ets


None yet.



This attribute set the datapoint type used for conversion from Bus format to internal SmartHomeNG format. It is mandatory. If you don't provide one the item will be ignored. The DPT has to match the type of the item!

The following datapoint types are supported:

|  DPT        |  Data         |  Type    |  Values
| ----------- | ------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------
|  1          |  1 bit        |  bool    |  True or False
|  2          |  2 bit        |  list    |  [0, 0] - [1, 1]
|  3          |  4 bit        |  list    |  [0, 0] - [1, 7]
|  4.002      |  8 bit        |  str     |  1 character (8859_1) e.g. ‘c’
|  5          |  8 bit        |  num     |  0 - 255
|  5.001      |  8 bit        |  num     |  0 - 100
|  6          |  8 bit        |  num     |  -128 - 127
|  7          |  2 byte       |  num     |  0 - 65535
|  8          |  2 byte       |  num     |  -32768 - 32767
|  9          |  2 byte       |  num     |  -671088,64 - 670760,96
|  10         |  3 byte       |  foo     |  datetime.time
|  11         |  3 byte       |  foo     |  datetime.date
|  12         |  4 byte       |  num     |  0 - 4294967295
|  13         |  4 byte       |  num     |  -2147483648 - 2147483647
|  14         |  4 byte       |  num     |  4-Octet Float Value IEEE 754
|  16         |  14 byte      |  str     |  14 characters (ASCII)
|  16.001     |  14 byte      |  str     |  14 characters (8859_1)
|  17         |  8 bit        |  num     |  Scene: 0 - 63
|  17.001     |  8 bit        |  num     |  Scene: 1 - 64
|  20         |  8 bit        |  num     |  HVAC: 0 - 255
|  24         |  var          |  str     |  unlimited string (8859_1)
|  232        |  3 byte       |  list    |  RGB: [0, 0, 0] - [255, 255, 255]

If you are missing one, open a bug report or drop me a message in the knx user forum.


This is the groupobject number of this item. These numbers must start from 1 and must be continous. (There can't be missing numbers before the last one.)

The values of the other attributes are ignored. The attributes only control the default flags of the generated knxprod-xml file.


Will result in setting the Transmit-flag.


Similar to knx_send but will send updates even for changes vie KNX if the knx_status GA differs from the destination GA.


Will result in setting the Write-flag and Update-flag.


Will result in setting the Write-flag, Update-flag and ReadOnInit-flag.


Will result in setting the Write-flag, Update-flag and ReadOnInit-flag.


Will result in setting the Read-flag.


Will result in setting the Write-flag and Update-flag.


Value of attributes are besides knx_go are ignored.


        type: bool
        knx_dpt: 1
        knx_go: 1
        knx_send: 1/1/3
          - 1/1/4
          - 1/1/5
        knx_init: 1/1/4

        type: num
        knx_dpt: 9
        knx_go: 2
        knx_send: 1/1/6
        knx_reply: 1/1/6
        ow_addr: 28.BBBBB20000    # see 1-Wire plugin
        ow_sensor: T              # see 1-Wire plugin

        type: bool
        knx_dpt: 1
        knx_go: 3
        knx_poll: 1/1/9 | 60


Not supported yet.