- 2
Fix PytestWarning: Error when trying to teardown test databases: RuntimeError("generator didn't stop after throw()")
#95 opened by buckyroberts - 4
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: relation "accounts_account" does not exist LINE 1: DELETE FROM "accounts_account"
#89 opened by FilterUnfiltered - 0
- 1
Update bank to allow domains for ip's
#153 opened by mrbusysky - 1
Query parameter `limit=0` will return all list
#158 opened by itsnikhil - 0
Let users filter the confirmation_blocks
#147 opened by hussu010 - 0
- 9
Transactions to bank's earning account are failing!
#142 opened by itsnikhil - 0
Migrate to ubuntu base images for our own images
#141 opened by dmugtasimov - 0
After running dockerized unittests some celery tasks remain unprocessed that lead to errors in subsequent run of celery
#140 opened by dmugtasimov - 2
Not being able to use urls for address of node.
#116 opened by mrbusysky - 2
Query param to filter out "fee" transactions
#137 opened by buckyroberts - 0
- 0
Query params for validators
#131 opened by buckyroberts - 0
Endpoint updates for active and time remaining
#132 opened by buckyroberts - 0
Banks to store all Txs
#128 opened by buckyroberts - 2
Tx recipients must be unique
#103 opened by vosi - 0
Create a generic Mixin for DRF ViewSet to not repeat all that signing logic in every controller
#75 opened by vosi - 0
Hunt for fake tests (overall quality)
#74 opened by buckyroberts - 2
Unit test failed when Faker().pytest() = 0
#117 opened by DucPhamTV - 1
- 1
Write a test to validate unique constraint of confirmation_validator and primary_validator together for InvalidBlock
#109 opened by pgeorge2 - 0
Fix DB indexes, add missing indexes
#70 opened by vosi - 0
- 1
- 1
- 6
- 0
[dev_network] Missing thenewboston_bank database
#124 opened by DucPhamTV - 0
Write a test of class ValidatorConfirmationService to test list of confirmation services without filter
#110 opened by pgeorge2 - 0
- 2
Fix Flake8 Issues for Bank
#96 opened by buckyroberts - 0
Fix django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured
#105 opened by buckyroberts - 0
Use Postgres for tests
#68 opened by buckyroberts - 0
Set up CI (Github Actions)
#73 opened by vosi - 0
Move specific settings to env variables
#92 opened by vosi - 5
"bank with that node identifier already exists"
#94 opened by Ahmad138 - 2
Bank API access is currently open for all
#90 opened by mahihossain - 0
Proper CLI
#85 opened by vosi - 1
Increase CodeBuild Tier
#88 opened by buckyroberts - 0
AWS RDS (PostgreSQL)
#76 opened by buckyroberts - 3
Exec. tests in parallel (test exec. speed)
#67 opened by buckyroberts - 0
Update get_(clean|crawl)_info()
#82 opened by buckyroberts - 2
PV Updated Notification
#66 opened by buckyroberts - 0
Generally, tests should NOT follow DRY principles, because they should be readable and understandable from the first sight (tests readability)
#72 opened by buckyroberts - 0
Having expected=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST in client.*_json is wrong, not pytest-ish (tests readability)
#71 opened by buckyroberts - 0
Track queries exec time (perf tests)
#69 opened by buckyroberts - 1
Crawl for Banks & Validators
#61 opened by kristykjlee - 1
Purchase Confirmation Services for Banks
#62 opened by kristykjlee - 1
Bank OVERVIEW UI update
#63 opened by kristykjlee - 1