- 5
- 3
- 6
Feature: has_trigger_events()
#337 opened by AWolf81 - 3
Problem with function is_empty
#340 opened by sjstoelting - 3
add has_comment()
#322 opened by kbrannen - 1
Bad links in documentation
#333 opened by vickkhera - 3
Function to check procedure privileges
#329 opened by hettie-d - 9
No longer installable by non-superuser
#328 opened by spencerbryson - 2
Allow to test with snapshots
#323 opened by S-Stanley - 1
- 1
passing the name of a test directory to pg_prove return 'Result: NOTESTS'
#326 opened by michelle0809 - 24
- 4
Cannot install pgTAP 1.3.1
#327 opened by datafoo - 2
Add support for IDENTITY columns
#321 opened by theory - 5
`has_pk(:schema, :table)` Not defined
#287 opened by aklaver - 3
Parallel testing with fixtures
#267 opened by dvasdekis - 11
Revamp functions to use DEFAULT values
#283 opened by RekGRpth - 10
New release with PG16 support
#314 opened by df7cb - 4
Misleading Installation Instructions
#301 opened by machineghost - 1
- 1
function_owner_is broken due to _get_func_owner (maybe for not using _funkargs?)
#292 opened by wphilips53 - 2
Unable to install on MacOS
#313 opened by pranshuchittora - 0
- 3
Question: pgTap on Greenplum?
#304 opened by fomcl - 1
Is Postgres 15 supported?
#308 opened by oramor - 1
[pg_prove] "tests out of sequence" failure with multiple checks in a single statement
#307 opened by dmfay - 7
How to use the return value of an insert?
#305 opened by user72356 - 4
- 2
Cannot run pg_prove example from docs
#299 opened by savv - 15
Irksome indentation on Subtest line
#264 opened by mattdeluco - 3
pg_prove: using --ext makes tests fail
#293 opened by K-Kielak - 7
uninstall_pgtap.sql generation regression
#270 opened by halostatue - 0
Need test for uninstall_pgtap.sql
#253 opened by nasbyj - 2
Add regexp comparison support on errmsg parameter on throws_ok function
#273 opened by stephane-klein - 0
- 1
function_returns() cannot find functions
#266 opened by jonjonw - 0
Website Documentation is Horrendous
#284 opened by mariugul - 4
Test output from runtests() can be out of order
#286 opened by chipilov - 7
Test Failures on PostgreSQL 14
#277 opened by theory - 0
Need to distinguish between functions and procedures
#280 opened by hettie-d - 5
No Parallel testing on PostgreSQL 9.6 or Higher
#279 opened by theory - 8
`installcheck` error, Postgres 14
#276 opened by feuGeneA - 1 documentation "What a sweet unit!" sql typo
#260 opened by rodrom - 3
Documentation: `END;` must be removed.
#272 opened by fjf2002 - 5
Invalid SQL produced in uninstall_pgtap.sql
#252 opened by kljensen - 1
installing on different instance postgresql
#271 opened by andreas-trvlk - 1
Tag for 1.2 missing
#269 opened by tim-field - 2
Build failing with "patch: not found"
#261 opened by lmergner - 2
postgresql-13-pgtap is not available in apt repo
#258 opened by himanchali - 3
Proposing a Code Coverage approach for PGTap
#257 opened by dvasdekis