- 0
Duplicate solver options
#139 opened by ptigwe - 0
How are information sets ordered?
#130 opened by drvinceknight - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
Tests for Nodes having the same name
#137 opened by theref - 4
Suggested Fixes For EFGs
#135 opened by hhlorrimore - 0
Circle sizes around nodes of information sets in ```plot``` is inconsistent
#136 opened by hhlorrimore - 0
#134 opened by drvinceknight - 0
Implement an `NFG` to sage `Polytope` class
#132 opened by drvinceknight - 0
Not ideal plot.
#131 opened by drvinceknight - 0
Build catalog of games
#98 opened by drvinceknight - 20
- 17
- 0
- 3
Start working on Extensive Form Games, working on structure of classes and looking at implementing graph theory
#104 opened by hhlorrimore - 4
Raise error for invalid algorithm
#105 opened by theref - 0
Cython stuff?
#106 opened by drvinceknight - 0
Build docs and PEP8 for initial push to trac
#129 opened by drvinceknight - 1
In extensive form games: there is a Player class, should this be differentiated or specified?
#109 opened by drvinceknight - 0
Go from EFG to gambit tree
#112 opened by drvinceknight - 0
- 0
More explanation needed in docstrings for `_create_gambit_branches` and `_sort_children`
#122 opened by drvinceknight - 0
Go from gambit tree to efg
#123 opened by drvinceknight - 0
- 0
Tidy up all variables names etc...
#126 opened by drvinceknight - 0
Add a method for perfect recall
#127 opened by drvinceknight - 0
Create class for information sets
#125 opened by drvinceknight - 1
Rename methods and attribute so that they keep in line with `normal_form_games`
#121 opened by drvinceknight - 1
Fix info sets graph
#118 opened by drvinceknight - 6
- 3
Extensive form game needs a repr method.
#114 opened by drvinceknight - 4
What would be the best repr for the other nodes
#111 opened by drvinceknight - 2
- 4
What would be the best repr for leafs
#110 opened by drvinceknight - 1
- 0
Add images to documentation
#107 opened by drvinceknight - 0
Go from efg to nfg
#113 opened by drvinceknight - 18
- 0
- 0
Two 'old 16333'
#96 opened by drvinceknight - 10
Work on 16333 to develop gambit
#90 opened by drvinceknight - 1
Fix 16331
#94 opened by drvinceknight - 3
Karl has found bugs in enumeration
#95 opened by drvinceknight - 8
Fix 16954 based on Karl's comments
#93 opened by drvinceknight - 0
Address issues raised by Karl on 16954
#92 opened by drvinceknight - 1
Address comments by Karl on 16331
#91 opened by drvinceknight - 2
Fix the branch/dependency mess.
#89 opened by drvinceknight - 1
- 0
Fix issues raised by Karl on trac for 16331
#87 opened by drvinceknight