- 2
little changes in phangorn
#71 opened by KlausVigo - 2
Reduce dependencies
#70 opened by thibautjombart - 7
- 1
Export figure to SVG
#38 opened by thibautjombart - 1
restore plotGroves in shiny app
#68 opened by thibautjombart - 4
high version numbers
#67 opened by thibautjombart - 3
vignette("treescape") does not work
#66 opened by thibautjombart - 2
Package is failing Travis check
#63 opened by MichelleKendall - 0
Add median tree to shiny
#32 opened by MichelleKendall - 2
- 3
Add BEAST dataset
#46 opened by thibautjombart - 1
Make treescapeServer() able to read RDS?
#50 opened by MichelleKendall - 1
Saving 3D images
#62 opened by MichelleKendall - 5
rgl dependencies
#59 opened by MichelleKendall - 2
- 3
program complains about subscript with nexus file
#61 opened by cbud - 7
benchmark large datasets
#47 opened by thibautjombart - 1
Package is failing check
#58 opened by MichelleKendall - 2
Pairwise tip distances
#57 opened by MichelleKendall - 2
Add tip weighting option to all functions
#48 opened by MichelleKendall - 0
- 1
Save image directly from Shiny?
#54 opened by MichelleKendall - 1
Make medTree more efficient
#55 opened by MichelleKendall - 1
treescapeServer() for two trees
#49 opened by MichelleKendall - 1
Tree list with non-unique names
#52 opened by MichelleKendall - 1
- 6
- 0
Add findGroves test to testthat
#45 opened by thibautjombart - 6
Add unit tests using testthat
#23 opened by thibautjombart - 1
Add server to vignette
#42 opened by thibautjombart - 7
Write vignette
#25 opened by thibautjombart - 2
Implement median tree for clusters
#41 opened by thibautjombart - 1
Add details of MDS to vignette
#43 opened by thibautjombart - 3
Installation dependencies?
#44 opened by MichelleKendall - 3
- 1
state dependencies of shiny app
#40 opened by thibautjombart - 4
Add find.groves to shiny
#31 opened by thibautjombart - 1
shiny: use larger graphics / svg
#36 opened by thibautjombart - 1
export results and trees to RData
#37 opened by thibautjombart - 1
Export clusters from shiny
#35 opened by thibautjombart - 1
- 1
Use adegraphics for scatterplots
#30 opened by thibautjombart - 18
Update to faster implementation
#20 opened by MichelleKendall - 2
Check suspected bug within med.tree
#27 opened by MichelleKendall - 12
Test Rcpp integration
#24 opened by thibautjombart - 6
Shiny app bug
#28 opened by MichelleKendall - 1
Document shiny app
#22 opened by thibautjombart - 1
Prettify shiny app
#26 opened by thibautjombart - 1
Add nexus input file.
#21 opened by thibautjombart - 3
WARNING undeclared dependencies
#19 opened by thibautjombart