
Testing the GO REST API using Mocha, Chai and ChaiHttp.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Testing the GO REST API using Mocha, Chai and ChaiHttp

REST API Http Response Codes:

200: OK. Everything worked as expected.
201: A resource was successfully created in response to a POST request. The Location header contains the URL pointing to the newly created resource.
204: The request was handled successfully and the response contains no body content (like a DELETE request).
304: The resource was not modified. You can use the cached version.
400: Bad request. This could be caused by various actions by the user, such as providing invalid JSON data in the request body etc.
401: Authentication failed.
403: The authenticated user is not allowed to access the specified API endpoint.
404: The requested resource does not exist.
405: Method not allowed. Please check the Allow header for the allowed HTTP methods.
415: Unsupported media type. The requested content type or version number is invalid.
422: Data validation failed (in response to a POST request, for example). Please check the response body for detailed error messages.
429: Too many requests. The request was rejected due to rate limiting.
500: Internal server error. This could be caused by internal program errors.