
Python 3 interface for force feedback joystick module Brunner CLS-E.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Python package to provide an interface to the force feedback joystick module Brunner CLS-E.

For ROS enabled applications you may also find the joystick implementation useful.

Note: For an overview of the available interface methods consult the API documentation here.


To change initial parameters or configurations, change the parameter file config/default.yaml. By specifying the config_name argument on initialisation you can redirect to your own configuration such as config/new_config.yaml and create the interface with ffb.Interface(config_name="new_config.yaml"). Alternatively, directly pass a dictionary with appropriate key-value pairs under the config argument.

Note: If the module has been installed using setup.py and you want to override the relative configuration, you need to specify the absolute path to the configuration using the argument configuration_path on initialisation.


Install CLS2SIM and navigate to its installation directory under C:\Program Files (x86)\Brunnel Elektronik AG. Install the virtual joystick in the corresponding subdirectory and if necessary consult the pdf in the main directory provided with the CLS2SIM installation for more details.

  1. Power the joystick and connect it to the computer according to the instructions
  2. Launch CLS2Sim and go to File->Settings and under Remote control select
    • Enabled
    • External Control
    • Message Identifier
    • Reference
  3. Either expose this python package to the PYTHONPATH or install permanently via python setup.py
  4. Executing the tests under the scripts directory.

Note: This repository can be used irrespective of Windows or UNIX system. The CLS2Sim needs to run on Windows and requires firewall settings so that the external control configured IP is accessible where this Python package is executed.


  • >=CLS2Sim 3.20
  • >=Python 3.X



If you have feature requests, questions or you want to contribute, you are very welcome to submit a pull request!


If you would like to use this code or parts of this code or you are interested in an open source license, let me know under philipp.rothenhaeusler at gmail.com.

(c) Copyright 2020 Philipp Rothenhäusler All rights reserved.