
A Python based Jinja System for creating C++ Headers for Embedded Programming

Primary LanguagePython


A Python based Jinja System for creating C++ Headers for Embedded Programming

Step One

'transmogrify.py` allows you to convert CMSIS SVD files into the yamls format that the 'peripheralyzer.py' supports.

python3 transmogrify.py -s STM32F407.svd -yr svd -ns cmsis -ns stm32 -nm STM32F407_name_map.yml

This will arrange all peripherals into the cmsis::stm32 namespace in C++ (after the next step). This will also emit a renaming map which will maps the weird CMSIS names like DADDR to reasonable names like DestinationAddress. Merely change all the names and types you'd like and re-run the transmogrify step.

Step Two

peripheralyzer.py allows you to convert something like this:

include_lock: TEST_H_
- <cstdint>
- testing
    name: Test
    sizeof: 0x10
    default_type: std::uint32_t
    default_depth: 32
        - name: first
          type: std::uint8_t
          offset: 0x0
          count: 4
          sizeof: 4
        - name: second
          offset: 0x4
        - name: third
          type: float
          offset: 0x8
          sizeof: 4
        - name: fourth
          type: std::uint16_t
          offset: 0xC
          count: 2
          sizeof: 4

Into C++ Peripherals, Registers, and Enumerations with proper include name locks, namespaces, bitfield unions, and static_asserts for all field offsets and sizeofs.

The YAML is organized into a heirarchy of:

  • Peripherals
    • [optional] Enumerations
    • [optional] Structures
    • Registers
      • [optional] Enumerations
      • (bit) Fields Structure

Each of these is scoped within it's container.

This is an example of just a structure.

#ifndef TEST_H_
#define TEST_H_
/// @file
/// Auto Generated Structure Definitions for Test from the Peripheralyzer.
/// @copyright
#include <cstdint>
namespace testing {
struct Test final {
    std::uint8_t first[4]; // offset 0x0UL
    std::uint32_t second; // offset 0x4UL
    float third; // offset 0x8UL
    std::uint16_t fourth[2]; // offset 0xcUL
// Ensure the structure is in standard layout format
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<Test>::value, "Must be standard layout");
// Ensure the offsets are all correct
static_assert(offsetof(Test, first) == 0x0UL, "Must be located at this offset");
static_assert(offsetof(Test, second) == 0x4UL, "Must be located at this offset");
static_assert(offsetof(Test, third) == 0x8UL, "Must be located at this offset");
static_assert(offsetof(Test, fourth) == 0xcUL, "Must be located at this offset");
// Ensure the sizeof the entire structure is correct.
static_assert(sizeof(Test) == 0x10UL, "Must be this exact size");
}  // namespace testing
#endif // TEST_H_

The project follows some policies about C++ generation as well:

  • All Peripherals and Registers are final
  • All sizes and offsets are statically asserted.
  • All headers are include locked
  • All bitfields are part of a union which is paired with a unit type for the register. A unit test can be generated to ensure that the union works on target as intended.
  • All registers will have operator overloads.
    • to allow assignment to and from const and volatile instances