A jitsi meet component wrapper and custom hook moulded with react's chakra ðŸ’
yarn add react-jutsu
<script src='https://meet.jit.si/external_api.js'></script>
You can choose to load the script another way, the hook will return an error until the jitsi API is available in
You can use the provided component for simple scenarios or the hook for access to the jitsi meet api
import { Jutsu } from 'react-jutsu' // Component
import { useJitsi } from 'react-jutsu' // Custom hook
import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useJitsi } from 'react-jutsu'
const App = () => {
const jitsiConfig = {
roomName: 'konoha',
displayName: 'Naruto Uzumaki',
password: 'dattebayo',
subject: 'fan',
parentNode: 'jitsi-container',
const { loading, error, jitsi } = useJitsi(jitsiConfig);
return (
{error && <p>{error}</p>}
<div id={jitsiConfig.parentNode} />
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { Jutsu } from 'react-jutsu'
const App = () => {
const [room, setRoom] = useState('')
const [name, setName] = useState('')
const [call, setCall] = useState(false)
const [password, setPassword] = useState('')
const handleClick = event => {
if (room && name) setCall(true)
return call ? (
onMeetingEnd={() => console.log('Meeting has ended')}
loadingComponent={<p>loading ...</p>}
errorComponent={<p>Oops, something went wrong</p>} />
) : (
<input id='room' type='text' placeholder='Room' value={room} onChange={(e) => setRoom(e.target.value)} />
<input id='name' type='text' placeholder='Name' value={name} onChange={(e) => setName(e.target.value)} />
<input id='password' type='text' placeholder='Password (optional)' value={password} onChange={(e) => setPassword(e.target.value)} />
<button onClick={handleClick} type='submit'>
Start / Join
export default App
Check the Jitsi Meet API docs for full configuration and how to use api commands when using the
The meeting room name
This prop is required to start a meeting
The participant's displayed name
This prop is optional
The meeting room password
This prop is optional
Callback function executed after readyToClose event is fired
This prop is optional
The meeting subject (what is displayed at the top)
This prop is optional
onMeetingEnd={() => console.log('Meeting has ended')}
<Jutsu domain='my-custom-domain.com'>
Your Jitsi domain to use, the default value is meet.jit.si
<Jutsu loadingComponent={<ProgressBar />}>
An optional loading component, the default value is <p>Loading ...</p>
<Jutsu errorComponent={<p>Oops, something went wrong...</p>}>
An optional error component, the default value is a <p>
containing the error.
Internally Jutsu is constructed inside 2 containers, you can add custom styles for each by specifying containerStyles
and jitsiContainerstyles
The default values set as
width: '800px',
height: '400px'
}, ...containerStyles}}
display: loading ? 'none' : 'block', // <- used for loadingComponent logic
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
}, ...jitsiContainerStyles}}
An example override could be
<Jutsu containerStyles={{ width: '1200px', height: '800px' }}>
Configuration object to overwrite.
This prop is optional More details about possible key/values here
Interface configuration object to overwrite.
This prop is optional More details about possible key/values here
Callback function to be called with an error as the only parameter if any.
This prop is optional
Callback function to be called with the jitsi API client when instantiated.
This prop is optional
Any other prop passed to the component will be passed to jitsi API constructor as part of the options
For instance:
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