- 0
Need onLeaveMeeting event
#72 opened by MochIsrin068 - 7
Add support for TypeScript
#43 opened by zoeleu - 1
Why by default it is opening in localhost:3000/jutsu instead of localhost:3000? How can I cange /jutsu path to /.
#59 opened by ShivamSharma-Nsut - 3
How to resolve error while ending up the call? It is showing some piece of code instead of some ending message
#58 opened by ShivamSharma-Nsut - 4
How to enable screen sharing
#52 opened by HarshvardhanThosar - 2
Override defaultLanguage in localStorage
#45 opened by qsdamar - 3
- 1
Support participantJoined / Left events
#46 opened by shawnlauzon - 0
- 3
- 3
useJitsi not working
#37 opened by rodrigoheck - 2
How can I use executeCommand?
#35 opened - 2
Moderator and next date meeting
#34 opened by ojelicoder - 2
Help with InterfaceConfigOverwrite
#33 opened - 1
Open on web button fails
#32 opened by ojelicoder - 2
- 5
how to run this application
#31 opened by zainbinfurqan - 3
addEventListener returning null
#29 opened by Hamza-1997 - 0
Update docs
#25 opened by this-fifo - 2
- 2
How to start this app?
#20 opened by lam0620 - 2
Significant audio lag using public Jitsi meet
#19 opened by sixfeetaway - 3
Incompatible Module error
#16 opened by yodaphone - 2
Is not working on mobile devices
#17 opened by sebaestel - 3
Jitsi Call Closing event
#15 opened by Sourabh721992 - 0
Height property with '%' not working
#14 opened by martinbaciga - 7
jitsi meet - tile view as default
#12 opened by Fahad-pnw - 1
Working through the install steps to use Jutsu
#11 opened by greavette - 3
Testing a Jutsu App
#8 opened by BlaidddDrwg - 1
Adding ReadyToClose callback
#4 opened by monomy001 - 2
Custom Width & Height
#5 opened by monomy001 - 2
Custom domain not working
#3 opened by bjkuncoro - 0
expose jitsi api through a custom hook
#2 opened by this-fifo