Add support for TypeScript
zoeleu opened this issue · 7 comments
Typings serve for the TypeScript compiler to do type validations. Is it possible to make a typing for this library? Thanks.
hey @matteoturini thanks for the suggestion, I have no problems accepting a PR with typings for this library and would welcome anybody to add support for this
it is not something I had planned originally, and I do not need it, so I'll leave it open for whoever wants to do it
hey @matteoturini thanks for the suggestion, I have no problems accepting a PR with typings for this library and would welcome anybody to add support for this
it is not something I had planned originally, and I do not need it, so I'll leave it open for whoever wants to do it
btw, IDE's like VSCode can highly profit from typescript typings too.
You can use following typescript definition:
declare module "react-jutsu" {
import React, { ReactNode, ReactElement } from "react";
export interface JutsuProps extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement> {
// The meeting room name
roomName: string;
// The participant's displayed name
displayName?: string;
// The meeting room password
password?: string;
// Callback function executed after readyToClose event is fired
onMeetingEnd?: () => void;
// The meeting subject (what is displayed at the top)
subject?: string;
// Custom jitsi domain
domain?: string;
// component displayed while loading
loadingComponent?: JSX.Element;
// component displayed on error
errorComponent?: JSX.Element;
// Internally Jutsu is constructed inside 2 containers, you can add custom styles for each by specifying containerStyles and jitsiContainerstyles
containerStyles?: CSSProperties;
jitsiContainerStyles?: CSSProperties;
// Configuration object to overwrite. Visit
configOverwrite?: any;
// Interface configuration object to overwrite. Visit
interfaceConfigOverwrite?: any;
// Callback function to be called with an error as the only parameter if any.
onError?: () => void;
// Callback function to be called with the jitsi API client when instantiated.
onJitsi?: () => void;
// Any other prop passed to the component will be passed to jitsi API constructor as part of the options parameter.
jwt?: any;
devices?: any;
userInfo?: any;
export const Jutsu: (props: JutsuProps) => ReactElement;
You can use following typescript definition:
:declare module "react-jutsu" { import React, { ReactNode, ReactElement } from "react"; export interface JutsuProps extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement> { // The meeting room name roomName: string; // The participant's displayed name displayName?: string; // The meeting room password password?: string; // Callback function executed after readyToClose event is fired onMeetingEnd?: () => void; // The meeting subject (what is displayed at the top) subject?: string; // Custom jitsi domain domain?: string; // component displayed while loading loadingComponent?: JSX.Element; // component displayed on error errorComponent?: JSX.Element; // Internally Jutsu is constructed inside 2 containers, you can add custom styles for each by specifying containerStyles and jitsiContainerstyles containerStyles?: CSSProperties; jitsiContainerStyles?: CSSProperties; // Configuration object to overwrite. Visit configOverwrite?: any; // Interface configuration object to overwrite. Visit interfaceConfigOverwrite?: any; // Callback function to be called with an error as the only parameter if any. onError?: () => void; // Callback function to be called with the jitsi API client when instantiated. onJitsi?: () => void; // Any other prop passed to the component will be passed to jitsi API constructor as part of the options parameter. jwt?: any; devices?: any; userInfo?: any; } export const Jutsu: (props: JutsuProps) => ReactElement; }
mind pushing this into the repo?