Breif description of the project.
Write an overview of the project. What it does, maybe the reason for making this, or the inspiration behind this.
Insert Some scereenshots of your project in Action. Here is an example, if you're making a website or a webpage, insert the desktop version and the mobile version of how it looks.
This meme doesn't belong to me.
Insert the URLs to your project here, so that the visitor can go try it out.
For example:
- Live Site URL:
- Project Repo:
Give a clear explanation of what you did to build the project, how you solved certain problems. Summarize your experience of building the project.
Use this section to list the lanuages, technologies, frameworks, libraries you used to build the project. For example, I created this template using the following (language(s), technologies, etc.):
- Markdown
Write down your takeaways from building this project. Write about what you've learned from the challenges this project posed at you. This is a great way understand yourself better and I personally believe that writing this part will help you retain what you've learnt along the way.
Last but not least, You!