Awesome Stars Awesome

A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred



  • Autohotkey-scripts-.ahk - My collection of autohotkey scripts. Some scripts are written by me, some are modified by me, some are completely created by others.


  • yabai - A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning
  • abduco - abduco provides session management i.e. it allows programs to be run independently from its controlling terminal. That is programs can be detached - run in the background - and then later reattached. Together with dvtm it provides a simpler and cleaner alternative to tmux or screen.
  • rofi - Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
  • http-sniffer - A multi-threading tool to sniff TCP flow statistics and embedded HTTP headers from PCAP file. Each TCP flow carrying HTTP is exported to text file in json format.
  • robotjs - Node.js Desktop Automation.
  • autopy-legacy - DEPRECATED: Replaced by


  • pwosparkle - A free, open-source and advanced bot for Pokémon World Online.
  • proshine - A free, open-source and advanced bot for Pokémon Revolution Online.
  • IronAHK - Cross platform .NET rewrite of the popular AutoHotkey scripting language for desktop automation.
  • Minecraft-Console-Client - Lightweight console for Minecraft chat and automated scripts


  • GPCS4 - A Playstation 4 emulator just begin
  • libdvbtee - dvbtee: a digital television streamer / parser / service information aggregator supporting various interfaces including telnet CLI & http control
  • firesheep - A Firefox extension that demonstrates HTTP session hijacking attacks.
  • MultiMC4 - A Minecraft tool that allows you to manage multiple installations as well as install and uninstall mods by simply dragging and dropping them.


  • whoIsAtHome - Sevice that will ping devices in the local network to let you know who's online.
  • starter-public-edition-4 - A PHP application starter, based on CodeIgniter
  • Kartao - Mapa e serviços para usuários do cartão de transporte de Curitiba


  • bites - Technical morsels



  • level - Team communication optimized for deep work


  • frep - Generate file using template from environment, arguments, json/yaml/toml config files
  • patchbay - Libary and CLI tools for interacting with patchbay servers
  • goss - Quick and Easy server testing/validation
  • cloudflare-dns-server - Docker DNS server on steroids to access DNS-over-TLS from Cloudflare, Google, Quad9, Quadrant or CleanBrowsing
  • docker-volume-sshfs - sshfs docker volume plugin
  • docker-machine-driver-scaleway - 🐳 Scaleway driver for Docker Machine



  • EasyMineLauncher - A free and simple launcher for Minecraft.
  • Launcher - Distribute your Minecraft modpacks with a custom launcher
  • SKMCLauncher - Deploy and distribute modpacks -- deprecated
  • SpongeForge - A Forge mod that implements SpongeAPI
  • xAuth - Offline-mode security suite plugin for Bukkit
  • NIGameController - An interface to add kinect functionality to PC games


  • cli-for-artists-and-designers - Using Command-Line Interface for common media tasks
  • dictionaries - Hunspell dictionaries in UTF-8
  • - 💻 ~apenas mais um programador (WIP)
  • node-red-contrib-gpio - A set of node-red nodes for connecting to johnny-five IO Plugins
  • aio-cli - Adobe I/O Extensible CLI
  • p5.serialport - Serial Port API and Server for p5.js
  • form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams. Can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications.
  • puppetron - Puppeteer (Headless Chrome Node API)-based rendering solution.
  • printable-mockups - Create printable UI mockups & wireframes templates
  • GameBoy-Online - JavaScript GameBoy Color emulator.
  • entropic - 🦝 📦 a package registry for anything, but mostly javascript 🦝 🦝 🦝
  • serverless-with-next5-boilerplate - Serverless.js with Next.js 5 on AWS, powered by the Serverless Framework
  • poi - ⚡A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications.
  • tips - Most commonly used git tips and tricks.
  • video-maker - Projeto open source para fazer vídeos automatizados
  • snowpack - 📦✨ Build web applications with less tooling and 10x faster iteration. No bundler required.
  • ComparacaoTabelaFipe-ReactJS - Consulta na tabela fipe
  • vue-cli-plugin-component - 🛠️ vue-cli 3 plugin to create component
  • natural - general natural language facilities for node
  • javascript-rgb-password - 🌈 Convert a password into an RGB colour pattern
  • crawler - Chromium / Puppeteer site crawler
  • yorkie - 🐶 Git hooks made easy
  • deprecated - 🚀 Framework for building universal web app and static website in Vue.js (beta)
  • cost-of-modules - Find out which of your dependencies are slowing you down 🐢
  • ud_telegram_bot - Urban Dictionary Telegram Bot
  • prep - Pre-renders your web app (React, Vue, Angular, ...) into static HTML based on your specified routes enabling SEO for single page applications.
  • SuperMesh - SuperMesh brings many Decentralized technologies with ease to your home
  • vue-routisan - [Maintainer needed, see README] Elegant route definitions for Vue Router. Based on Laravel routing system.
  • parcel - 📦🚀 Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
  • sails-typescript - An example of how to use TypeScript on the server side.
  • chameleon - Browser fingerprinting protection for everybody.
  • RC-GEN - REST entity (model, routes, controller) generator for mongoose-express based APIs.
  • websql - a simple websql wrapper
  • sequelize-pg-generator - Auto Create Sequelize ORM Models from PostgreSQL.
  • d3 - Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
  • sequelize-auto - Automatically generate bare sequelize models from your database.
  • mongorito - 🍹 MongoDB ODM for Node.js apps based on Redux
  • brigadehub - [retired, see website] Focus on what your community needs, not your website 💻
  • hackathon-starter - A boilerplate for Node.js web applications
  • heroprotocoljs - Javascript port of the heroprotocol Python library to decode Heroes of the Storm replay protocols.
  • AdminLTE - AdminLTE - Free admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 4 & 3
  • stamplay-js-sdk - 🚀 JavaScript SDK of Stamplay cloud platform
  • - Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
  • waypoints - Waypoints is a library that makes it easy to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element.
  • ng-sortable - AngularJS Library for Drag and Drop, supports Sortable and Draggable. Supports Touch devices.
  • Laravel-4-Bootstrap-Starter-Site - Laravel 4 Starter Site is a basic blog application using several nice community packages.
  • Gallery - blueimp Gallery is a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers. It features swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, slideshow functionality, fullscreen support and on-demand content loading.
  • SpritePlane - A sprite sheet generator script for Adobe Photoshop


  • GGScene - GGScene manager is an easy to use scene management class. It has plenty of transitions, with more that can be added, and is very easy to use.
  • tileBG - Corona SDK: Easily tile an image on the background
  • DMC-Corona-Library - Development library for Corona SDK
  • Corona-SDK.tmbundle - A TextMate bundle for Corona developers


  • DarkBoot - 💻 Customize the boot, login and lock screens on macOS


  • gitalias - Git alias commands for faster easier version control
  • - A README template for anyone to copy and use.
  • notes - Full-stack web development notes.
  • awesome-personal-blogs - A delightful list of personal tech blogs
  • awesome-dotfiles - A curated list of dotfiles resources.
  • guacamole-docker - Docker image for Guacamole - the clientless remote desktop gateway.
  • lists - The definitive list of lists (of lists) curated on GitHub and elsewhere
  • awesome-crawler - A collection of awesome web crawler,spider in different languages
  • vuepress-homepage - 📄 Elegant & friendly homepage (bio, tech portfolio, resume, doc...) template with Markdown and VuePress
  • ptbr-wordlist - A selection of Brazilian Portuguese words that are good enough to be used as a BIP-0039 wordlist
  • awesome-awesome-awesome - An awesome-awesome list.
  • phpstorm-laravel-code-style - PhpStorm code style to meet Laravel's contribution guidelines
  • TrelloClone - trello clone
  • awesome - 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
  • angular-styleguide - Angular Style Guide: A starting point for Angular development teams to provide consistency through good practices.
  • ideias - Backlog de ideias para projetos futuros do Code For Curitiba.



  • sortphotos - SortPhotos is a Python script that organizes photos and videos into folders using date/time information


  • Keebie - Easy Second Keyboard support in Linux (With layers!)
  • osx-config-check - Verify the configuration of your OS X machine.
  • AI-Smart-Mirror - Smart Mirror with a smart AI 🤖
  • packetbeacon -
  • ArchiveBox - 🗃 The open source self-hosted web archive. Takes browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
  • subsync - Automagically synchronize subtitles with video.
  • DWH - Simple (but working) WEP/WPA/WPA2 Hacking script
  • katoolin - Automatically install all Kali linux tools
  • ufiber_nano_serial_hack - UFiber Nano G - Serial Hack
  • ListOfGithubLists - List of github lists
  • hosts - Extending and consolidating hosts files from several well-curated sources like,,,, and potentially others. You can optionally invoke extensions to block additional sites by category.
  • SpeechBot - A Text-to-Speech Python Telegram bot
  • speedtest-cli - Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using
  • ghdecoy - artisanly crafted github contribution calendars
  • mackup - Keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux)
  • transmit-favorites-to-ssh-config - Simple python script that converts all your Transmit SFTP favorites into a ssh config file
  • youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites


  • cool-retro-term - A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display...


  • postal - 📨 A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail
  • lobsters - Computing-focused community centered around link aggregation and discussion
  • brotodevbox - A virtual machine with a Ruby development environment
  • spree - Spree is an open source E-commerce platform for Rails 6 with a modern UX, optional PWA frontend, REST API, GraphQL, several official extensions and 3rd party integrations. Over 1 million downloads and counting! Check it out:
  • gitlabhq - Project management and code hosting application. Follow us on twitter @gitlabhq


  • recterm - Record your terminal into an mp4 video that includes audio
  • my-dotfiles - Tasty selection of dotfiles, with all of git (& the readme) in the .my-dotfiles directory.
  • dotfiles - A collection of dotfiles for vim, zsh, bash, etc.
  • pure-bash-bible - 📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.
  • dots - WIP bootstrapping library for osx & ubuntu (and maybe others!)
  • multi-git-status - Run Git Status on multiple repos at once
  • rofi-pass - rofi frontend for pass
  • curlbash - locally save and checksum/review before curl | bash-ing installers
  • beeps - Linux beep music
  • LARBS - Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Scripts: Installation Scripts for My Arch Linux Meta-Distribution
  • dotfiles - A set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux configuration files.
  • streisand - Streisand sets up a new server running your choice of WireGuard, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, or a Tor bridge. It also generates custom instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists.
  • NESPi-Fan-Control-Board - This is a temperature control board for the RetroFlag SNESPi Case U, SNESPi Case J, MEGAPi Case, NESPi Case/NESPi Case + and the YIKESHU Black NES Case, this PCB add the ability to cooldown your system during game play
  • rspiducky -
  • openvpn-install - OpenVPN road warrior installer for Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS
  • Transmission-script - A Transmission (bittorrent) script to automatically setup download and upload speed limits depending on the number of network clients.


  • fullstack - React/ApolloGraphQL/Node/Mongo demo written in Typescript
  • deploy-robot - a test and deploy robot.
  • atmo - ✔️ Mock data for your prototypes and demos. Remote deployments to Zeit now.
  • darkreader - Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension




To the extent possible under law, thomasgroch has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.