
Single header public domain C++ libraries that I made for myself, but you might find useful

Primary LanguageC++The UnlicenseUnlicense

Tom's Single Header Libraries

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Here are some single header libraries I made to try and make my life easier. Maybe you will find them usefull too!

Inspried by Sean Barrett http://nothings.org/


To spend less time writing the same old code and more time getting stuff done.

The design of this library is heavily influenced by Sean Barrett, creater of the stb_*.h libraries. You can take a look and find out more about them at https://github.com/nothings/stb . Having said that I am not trying to mimic the stb_*.h libraries exactly. I am instead trying to prevent myself from having to rewrite the same code over and over, and so this little collection of libraries I have modestly named the tjh_*.h libraries, is very much tailored to the kind of code I write.

However if you happen to write code like me, then I hope this can be of use. If you have any suggestions of how I can improve this library get in touch through Twitter or Github, i'd be interested to hear your thoughts!

Much love, Tom (Thomas J. Hope)


  • Improve test coverage!! Currently non-existant!
  • write a breif description of each library
  • write tjh_camera.h example
  • tjh_audio.h
    • OpenAL integration
    • Classes for buffer, source, global listener
    • cache audio sources
    • Decodes audio files (requires SDL_LoadWAV?, integrate stb_vorbis?)
    • alternatively use that other guy's flac and wav single header libs
  • tjh_colour.h?
    • conversion between HLSL and RGB with values [0,1], or [0,255]
    • could use glm vector types for rather than (float r, float g, float b)?
    • what other colour functions are usefull? here are some ideas https://github.com/WetDesertRock/vivid
    • perhaps incorporate this into tjh_draw.h
  • tjh_screen_logger.h?
    • print debug log output graphicaly
    • can also draw static strings
    • allows messages to be updated after being pushed
    • what do other loggers do... message levels, colours
  • tjh_math.h
    • merge in file, bring up to standard