Experiments combining interior-point and augmented Lagrangian solvers with cone constraints.
This is an infeasible-start, primal-dual augmented-Lagrangian interior-point solver for non-convex optimization problems. The solver implements key algorithms from Ipopt to handle inequality constraints and a novel primal-dual augmented Lagrangian is employed for equality constraints. Conic constraints, including second-order and positive semidefinite cones, are coming soon.
Problems of the following form,
minimize f(x)
subject to cI(x) >= 0
cE(x) = 0
cA(x) = 0
xL <= x <= xU
can be solved.
Augmented Lagrangian:
- penalty feedback update
- second-order cone
- positive semidefinite cone
The following algorithms from Ipopt are implemented:
- barrier update (eq. 7)
- fraction to boundary (eqs. 8, 15)
- \alpha, \alpha_z update (eq. 14)
- z reset (eq. 16)
- smaller, symmetric linear solve (eq. 13)
- line-search filter (Algorithm A)
- filter update (eq. 22)
- \alpha min (eq. 23)
- second-order corrections
- inertia correction
- acceleration heuristics (sec. 3.2)
- Case 1:
- Case 2: watchdog
- feasibility restoration phase
- KKT error reduction
- relaxed bounds (eq. 35) -[X] implemented for restoration mode
- primal initialization (sec. 3.6)
- equality constraint multiplier initialization (eq. 36)
- single bounds damping -[X] implemented for restoration mode
- automatic scaling of problem statement
- small search directions
- iterative refinement on fullspace system
- tolerance
- round-off error acceptance criteria relaxation
- MA57
- default pivot tolerance
- replace MA57 solver
- restoration mode cleanup
- indices/views
- single bound damping
- iterative refinement rejection
- restoration-free version
- Quasi-Newton
- block-wise BFGS
- Schur-complement linear-system solve
git clone https://github.com/thowell/non-convex_solver
Request HSL MA57 license and install HSL.jl
Wachter problem
minimize x1
subject to x1^2 - x2 - 1.0 = 0
x1 - x3 - 0.5 = 0
x2, x3 >= 0
# problem dimensions
n = 3 # decision variables
m = 2 # constraints
# initial guess
x0 = [-2.0, 3.0, 1.0]
# bounds
xL = -Inf*ones(n) # lower bounds
xL[2] = 0.0
xL[3] = 0.0
xU = Inf*ones(n) # upper bounds
# objective
f_func(x) = x[1]
# constraints
c_func(x) = [x[1]^2 - x[2] - 1.0;
x[1] - x[3] - 0.5]
# model
model = Model(n,m,xL,xU,f_func,c_func)
# options
opts = Options{Float64}()
# solver
s = NCSolver(x0,model,opts=opts)
# solve
# solution
x = get_solution(s) # x* = [1.0, 0.0, 0.5]