
My Dotfiles (configuration files)

Primary LanguageShell


Contains dotfiles (Configuration files) for:

  • .alacritty.yml: Alacritty (terminal emulator)
  • .bashrc: Bash configuration files
  • .tmux.conf: Tmux configuration files and keybindings
  • .vimrc: Vim config files


Run bash install.sh. Essentially, this does:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Make a backup of your personal config files
  3. Delete your personal config files
  4. Create a symlink from this repo to where the dotfile should be.
  5. An easy way to change the Alacritty theme is with alacritty-themes. Follow instructions to NPM install this package.

For example: ln -s <PATH_TO_REPO>/.bashrc ~/.bashrc


  • I used the patched fonts from the Vim Dev Icons extension. Do download and install the patched version of RobotoMono Nerd Font. Or just change the value in the alacritty.yml file under font.
  • I installed the YouCompleteMe extension. Follow along their entire install process.


  • Documentation of keybindings