
Programs and drivers for a Hexapod

Primary LanguagePython


Programs and drivers for a Hexapod

Inverse Kinematics

For now, a "Wave" gait shall be implemented - the simplest kind of gait whereby legs move one by one. Next, a "Ripple" gait would be implemented, and a "Tripod" gait would be implemented last.

Future Extensions

  • Negative feedback with accelerometer data
  • Dynamic gait selection based on input speed

GCS to Robot communications

  • Create a GUI for robot data:
  1. Battery Level, current consumption
  2. Controller inputs
  3. Accelerometer artificial horizon
  4. Selected gait The input for the direction of the robot will be controlled by a USB Xbox-360 controller, via the Python inputs module.

Content below is depreceated

A previous iteration of this project intended to use a Raspberry Pi for computation and a Arduino for controlling servos. However, a pair of PCA9685 servo controllers have been employed instead, which removes the requirement for an Arduino.

Test phase

Serial communications:

The servo angle calculations are done on the Pi and sent to the Arduino to be done. Communication can be bidirectional; for instance if there are sensors connected to the arduino that requires reading. TODO

  • Come up with a class (RPi side) to easily handle the communication between the two.

  • The class should have the following:

    • Constructor initializes WiringPi and starts the serial port
    • Destructor frees up the serial port
    • Handshake (initializes serial communication)
    • Serial RX
    • Serial TX
  • Member variables are the input and output buffers

  • Arduino side communications can be handled 'easily' with its own driver software. Functions in the sketch are ok, no need for an additional class.

Simulation in ROS

Self explanatory. Attempt to simulate the robot's motion fully (or partially?) in ROS here before deploying to actual hardware to minimise debugging time.

Add-Ons ?

Future work. The child in me wants to add a laser turret or something "useful" of that sort.