Speech feature extraction using Gammatone FilterBank and CNN

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Speech feature extraction using Gammatone FilterBank and CNN.
The project uses TIMIT database and VTR Formants database as resources for the CNN.\


Use the configure.py script with python3, or run python3 f2cnn.py --configure/-c to initialize a few parameters for the program.
Run it every time one of the project parameters need to change (Sampling rates, cutoff frequencies, numbers of channels, number of classes...).
Use the f2cnn.py Python3 script as en entrance like in the examples below, or use the functions in the scripts/ directories in your own.\

Available commands:\

python3 f2cnn.py -h/--help
-> gives some help and tips after any argument.

Data processing scripts

python3 f2cnn.py prepare all
-> prepares all the data for CNN usage (may take a few minutes and requires a lot of disk space (~50GB if full Timit/vtr database).\

python3 f2cnn.py prepare organize
-> prepares Project Structure with Timit and VTR databases organized as mentionne din the "REQUIRED STRUCTURE" section down below.\

python3 f2cnn.py prepare filter
-> prepares Filtered outputs from the gammatone filterbank
Saves all the outputs as '.GFB.npy' files. python3 f2cnn.py prepare envelope
Optional command: --cutoff FREQ for a low pass filtering on the envelopes with a cutoff of FREQ Hz
-> prepares extracted envelope numpy array files using a low pass filter at 50Hz
Saves all outputs as '.ENV1.npy' files. The 1 means that the method used is the first one, should there be more in the future.

python3 f2cnn.py prepare label
-> prepares CNN output labels from the previous files, using VTR .FB files, .PHN files and filenames.
Saves it as a trainingData/label_data.csv file.
python3 f2cnn.py prepare input
Optional command: --cutoff FREQ specifies the cutoff frequency for the output file(should be the same as the envelopes)
-> prepares CNN input data matrices from latest extracted envelopes, and saves the whole as a NxDOTS_PER_INPUTx_NB_CHANNELS ndarray trainingData/input_data.npy.
If CUTOFF is used, will save the file as trainingData/input_data_LPFX.npy with X the frequency.
Also makes a backup as trainingData/last_input_data.npy, just in case.

Data plotting scripts

python3 f2cnn.py plot gtg --file/-f *PathToAWAVFileFile*
-> Plots a spectrogram like representation of GammaTone FilterBank output.

CNN related scripts

python3 f2cnn.py cnn train
Optional commands: --input *PathToInputDataFile* allows the use of a specific input data file
--label *PathToLabelCSVFile* allows the use of a specific label data file
-> Trains a CNN using the given input data file, or by default trainingData/input_data.npy, also uses the default labe_data.csv file.
python3 f2cnn.py cnn eval --file *PathToAWAVFile*
-> Uses the last_trained_model keras model to predict Rising or Falling for F2 on all frames of the given .WAV file, plotting results in graphs/FallingOrRising directory.
python3 f2cnn.py cnn evalrand
Optional command: --count N only uses N randomly selected files -> Same as the above, but evaluates randomly all the VTR related TIMIT .WAV files.
python3 f2cnn.py cnn evalnoise
Optional command: --noise SNRdB specifies a Signal to Noise Ratio in dB for the new WAV file, that is saved inside 'OutputWavFiles/addedNoise'.\

Optional commands for the last 3 functions:
--model *PathToAKerasModel* allows the use of a specific keras model(default:'last_trained_model')
--cutoff FREQ allows the use of a FREQ Hz cutoff Low Pass Filter on envelope extraction

Required structure

There is a certain way the project directories should be organized before running prepare organize or prepare all:
-scripts/ -> This file's directory
--f2cnn/ -> The output directory (should be created automatically)
--TIMIT/ -> TIMIT database as is, including TEST and TRAIN directories
--VTR/ -> VTR FORMANTS files as is, including TEST and TRAIN subdirectories
So make sure to put the TIMIT(the one including TEST and TRAIN directories) and VTR directories in the resources directory.


Compatibility with Windows is not garanteed.
This project requires the installation of:

  • numpy - 1.14.5
  • matplotlib - 2.2.2
  • keras - 2.2.0
  • scipy - 1.1.0
  • sphfile - 1.0.0

Also, some packages are needed for the training: There are two cases:

1. You will use your CPU
  • tensorflow with pip
2. You will use a GPU (preferably from NVIDIA)
  • tensorflow-cuda (or tensorflow-gpu in PIP) - 1.9.0
  • cuda - 9.2.148-1 | installed with the nvidia cuda toolkit 9.2

If you have any issues or suggestions, you can send an email at tictacmenthedouce@gmail.com .