- 6
Backport changes from retired 2.0 branch
#1076 opened by yaxu - 0
Ignore djf 0.5
#1024 opened by jarmitage - 8
Add dagoarp
#1050 opened by yaxu - 0
more efficient implementation of runMarkov
#1068 opened by jwaldmann - 8
bug with 'bite' and '@' in mininotation
#1053 opened by TylerMclaughlin - 1
add a quantized setCycle variant (qSetCycle)
#1094 opened by geikha - 0
#1079 opened by yaxu - 1
tidal-listener first.hs example not working
#1092 opened by ndr-brt - 0
Make clip an alias of legato
#1021 opened by yaxu - 3
Polymetric sequence subdivision not working
#1037 opened by taucontrib - 2
Link enabled state should be mutable
#1060 opened by matthewkaney - 2
Possible edit for the docs - MIDI
#1061 opened by multijoy - 2
code example in API comment for spread' is broken
#1108 opened by jwaldmann - 0
Aliases / renaming of some conditionals
#1039 opened by jarmitage - 0
Req: Mini-notation for a random value between range
#1017 opened by geikha - 1
randrun is non-random at time 0
#1064 opened by jwaldmann - 0
- 5
Ableton Link experience report
#1026 opened by jarmitage - 3
Parser errors for new rest symbol
#1091 opened by nkleemann - 0
Executable name conflict of "linktest"
#1041 opened by felixonmars - 0
Create a `chopBy` function
#1084 opened by Asmatzaile - 2
Source transparency and upstream tracking for tidal-link
#1075 opened by dvzrv - 8
hosc-0.21 breaking changes
#1103 opened by sss-create - 2
ubuntu 22.04 | tidalcycles tidal 1.9.4 build fail
#1015 opened by alphaaurigae - 1
OSC Playback: Add setcps control message
#1035 opened by jarmitage - 1
tidal thinks there is no git because there is no which
#1085 opened by 2-www - 1
mini-notation syntax error causes stream to freeze
#1099 opened by ahihi - 2
- 0
setcps = once . cps is broken
#1089 opened by polymorphicengine - 1
Tapestop effect that works over any number of cycles
#1095 opened by hellocatfood - 2
add streamGetbpm to Stream.hs
#1018 opened by jarmitage - 1
error installing `tidal-listener`
#1073 opened by ndr-brt - 3
- 0
Cycle status monitor
#1040 opened by jarmitage - 3
streamPause / UnPause, streamSeek, streamLoop
#1038 opened by jarmitage - 0
Tidal doesn't use control bus mappings
#1030 opened by matthewkaney - 7
`tidal-listener` builds in Nix are failing on 1.9
#1054 opened by matthewkaney - 2
`tidal-parse` not resolving in Stack
#1069 opened by matthewkaney - 0
timeToRands produces constant sequence if seed is 0 => replace tidal's random mechanism with System.Random?
#1067 opened by jwaldmann - 0
- 0
euclidOff is different from euclidOffBool
#1065 opened by jwaldmann - 7
Link not working on recent OSX versions
#1056 opened by ribon3000 - 1
Arbitrary Tempo Callback
#1048 opened by matthewkaney - 2
Reimplementing event highlighting in tidal-listener
#1047 opened by Zalastax - 1
Transitions are broken
#1045 opened by nkleemann - 3
Cannot build on ghc 9.8.1
#1044 opened by raggaraluz - 0
midinote problem with xfade / xfadeIn
#1043 opened by crcdng - 7
- 2
qtrigger doesn't start the cycle from the beginning
#1028 opened by Zalastax - 0
Function for applying a effectbus envelope to each event
#1023 opened by yaxu