- 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
error on correlate of two table with different colsize
#177 opened by zenfey - 0
- 0
Focus on one variable in a network_plot
#175 opened by joaomaroco - 0
- 0
- 1
Upkeep for corrr
#169 opened by EmilHvitfeldt - 2
Function factory based on `colpair_map()`
#164 opened by lhdjung - 3
Question about network_plot function (corrr package)
#161 opened by jagodap - 0
`rearrange(absolute = TRUE)` doesn't do anything
#167 opened by jmbarbone - 0
Cannot directly skip `rearrange` in `autoplot`
#166 opened by jmbarbone - 1
Release corrr 0.4.4
#162 opened by topepo - 6
Limit color bar range in network_plot()
#158 opened by JOl-lN - 10
Trouble ggplotting variables of type noquote
#153 opened by astamm - 5
Manipulating size of text
#144 opened by IsadoraBM - 1
Upkeep for corrr
#154 opened by juliasilge - 2
move to testthat edition 3
#152 opened by EmilHvitfeldt - 0
Adding a "weights" option
#149 opened by aljoscha-j - 5
Add documentation for 'use'
#150 opened by joelnitta - 2
Move `master` branch to `main`
#147 opened by jennybc - 4
Network Plot doesn't depict edges
#148 opened by thomasjwood - 5
- 2
Identify and mark significant correlations
#145 opened by joe-chelladurai - 6
- 4
Check for numeric variables
#138 opened by bjornerstedt - 5
- 3
network_plot font type
#136 opened by famfigueiredo - 3
- 1
ading partial correlations?
#132 opened by kkmann - 2
Allow disabling of logs
#135 opened by slhck - 1
Release corrr 0.4.2
#96 opened by topepo - 2
Error in corrr::correlate for tbl_sql objects
#97 opened by j-kreis - 3
Update stretch() default behaviour to convert x and y to factors rather than character vectors
#98 opened by mattwarkentin - 4
- 3
rplot doesnt plot data as ordered by corrr
#109 opened by jamesMo84 - 2
Network_plot 'names' attribute error
#106 opened by norhther - 2
Clarify documentation for rplot()
#111 opened by Aariq - 2
- 1
Correlate does not work with numeric vectors
#119 opened by antoine-sachet - 2
- 1
- 3
variable instead of rowname
#117 opened by bjornerstedt - 1
Release corrr 0.4.3
#124 opened by topepo - 3
corrr 0.4.3 blog post
#126 opened by topepo - 1
- 3
Highest and lowest correaltions in whole dataframe
#130 opened by MislavSag - 1
Proper usage of 2nd data input, y in correlate()
#115 opened by thisisdaryn