- 2
str_sort drops vector names attribute
#575 opened by warnes - 0
using a where clause on a list with str_glue
#576 opened by ChristelSwift - 5
Could a `str_to_snake` function be made to convert strings to snake-case?
#573 opened by davidhodge931 - 1
[Feature request] allow `str_wrap()` to wrap into n segments of equal length
#572 opened by DanChaltiel - 2
Function to sanitize strings
#574 opened by jdonland - 4
SQL's LIKE is actually case sensitive
#543 opened by hadley - 3
Unexpected behavior using `str_sub` when having bigger or smaller start/end values than the minimum/maximun length of the 'subsetted' string
#547 opened by MiguelCos - 1
Consider adding str_sandwich()
#557 opened by allenbaron - 1
str_split_1 should be equal to `str_split_i(i = 1)`
#559 opened by Longfei2 - 1
- 0
Print something for `str_view(character())`
#497 opened by hadley - 1
Documentation for str_subset & str_detect imply pattern can be empty, but that gives an error
#508 opened by yadbor - 0
Convert `expect_error()` to `expect_snapshot()`
#552 opened by hadley - 0
Update chunk style in vignettes
#555 opened by hadley - 0
Translate error messages to another language
#556 opened by hadley - 1
`[[.stringr_pattern` method not defined
#529 opened by mkoohafkan - 2
Add the .trim parameter to str_glue()
#538 opened by ning-y - 2
Doc clarification for str_subset about dropping names.
#507 opened by Ax3man - 2
str_replace_all with multiple replacements
#516 opened by Close-your-eyes - 1
Fix vectorised replacement failures
#551 opened by hadley - 5
- 1
Problems with stringr and phyloseq
#536 opened by Anaherasm - 1
str_view_all Shows Incorrect Error Message
#537 opened by brownj31 - 2
`str_detect_all` for multiple patterns?
#539 opened by tvedebrink - 0
- 3
str_replace_all: unexpected behaviour
#545 opened by shaggycamel - 3
- 0
Release stringr 1.5.1
#535 opened by hadley - 2
- 2
- 1
options(stringr.html = TRUE) does not work
#534 opened by lucavalery - 1
- 2
Add helpers for `str_match()`
#521 opened by DanChaltiel - 0
Upkeep for stringr (2023)
#532 opened by hadley - 2
Documentation edits in `split.R` Examples
#519 opened by feinleib - 1
str_split simplify in mutate with native pipe - potentially untidy behaviour
#522 opened by half-normal - 1
New features to easily capture text before or after n instance of delimiters without regex
#525 opened by jhtrico1850 - 1
Using a function as value for replacement argument in ```str_replace_all()```
#527 opened by Dannyzhd - 1
- 7
- 4
- 1
- 1
Can we have the match shown in color when using stringr::str_subset() and others?
#503 opened by murpholinox - 1
Misprint in documentation for str_split()
#500 opened by presnell - 1
Give different names to string_split_1() and string_spit_i() to improve readability
#511 opened by tonyy01 - 2
Underscore in named group matching
#506 opened by DSLituiev - 1
New `str_view()` does not fully replace old `str_view()` and deprecated `str_view_all()`
#505 opened by mgarbuzov - 1
`str_split_1` errors for empty character vector
#504 opened by jl5000 - 1
- 4