- 1
GitHub Actions: Rector Binary Not Found in Workflow
#163 opened by haykaf - 5
Duster very slow.
#156 opened by rdizio - 0
- 1
Skip line in Tlint
#155 opened by Jonyorker - 4
Running duster via composer script causes event returned with error code 1
#130 opened by mathiaswillburger - 2
Workflow's Fix and local fixes are different.
#154 opened by anuzpandey - 3
- 4
Github Actions cannot find PHPStan
#148 opened by jamesrweb - 1
- 3
Autofix only the file in a specific directory
#145 opened by Mte90 - 1
Linting in VSCode?
#139 opened by BrunoCartier - 4
[HELP] Construct class
#144 opened by abkrim - 1
Lack of support for PHP 8.3 typed class constants
#141 opened by ppmathis - 7
Adding custom Fixers to PHP CS Fixer
#132 opened by superbiche - 11
Compatibility Issues with PHP 8.3
#134 opened by krlmrr - 1
PHPStorm plugin ?
#133 opened by superbiche - 2
Cannot use standards/.php-cs-fixer.dist.php as base config : source code missing from Composer package.
#131 opened by superbiche - 1
- 2
`phpcbf` returns exit code `0` when errors that can't be automatically fixed are found
#120 opened by johnbacon - 1
- 1
adding more parameter to command
#126 opened by hairmenu - 4
- 1
Pint failing on Windows
#118 opened by nessimabadi - 2
Husky hook fail
#116 opened by ArielMejiaDev - 7
- 5
Custom rules?
#113 opened by mohammed-alfarra - 5
Tlint configuration is ignored on fix
#106 opened by Bottelet - 21
Multiple errors when running duster
#82 opened by Synchro - 0
Add option to update stubs
#73 opened by driftingly - 2
After updating, option --dirty stopped working.
#112 opened by souriscloud - 2
Duster Tlint & PHP Code sniffer are working in Gihub action but not on terminal
#110 opened by sandeshjangam - 5
--dirty flag gets stuck
#105 opened by nikspyratos - 2
--dirty does not work on Windows
#96 opened by Rigby90 - 2
- 4
Graceful dirty linting exit
#92 opened by hylke94 - 1
- 1
Additional script is timing out (Symfony\Component\Process\Process 60 sec. timeout)
#97 opened by musa11971 - 6
- 2
Failed on docblock @param
#95 opened by nashsaint - 1
- 3
duster with sail ?
#91 opened by Grazulex - 1
- 4
- 1
indenting class operator and object operator(s)
#85 opened by camiant - 0
Update GitHub Actions publish command to offer two options: linting (errors if fail), and fixing (commits fixes)
#77 opened by mattstauffer - 0
- 2
Duster execution error
#48 opened by vincenzotecnology - 2
- 1
Look into adding JS and CSS dusting
#40 opened by driftingly - 2
Drop support for EOL PHP 7.3, add PHP 8.1
#37 opened by driftingly