
Launch file and setup instructions for running orb_slam_2 with a Realsense D435 RGBD camera

Primary LanguageCMake


ROS package for running orb_slam_2_ros with a Realsense D435 RGBD camera.

Package also includes launch file for optionally running voxblox mapping.

Launch files are provided for both stereo and rgbd slam modes. (slam_stereo.launch and slam_rgbd.launch respectively). Stereo mode is recommended as it seems to perform much better than rgbd mode - feature depth estimates in rgbd mode appear very noisy (at least with the current configuration).


Figure: screenshot of orb slam in action.


curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tim-fan/d435_orb_slam_2/master/setup.sh | bash

This will create a catkin workspace with all dependent packages. See setup.sh for details.


source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch d435_orb_slam_2 slam_stereo.launch

Optional arguments allow for logging, playback, map loading and running in localisation only mode. See roslaunch d435_orb_slam_2 slam_stereo.launch --ros-args


  • Tuning/testing - I'm not sure if I'm using optimal parameters for orb slam with the d435 camera (haven't tested much)
  • Map rotation - would like to post process the map to make the floor flat on the z=0 plane, and walls line up with the x/y axes.
  • Odom fusion - the intended use for this is on an office robot. For this use-case it would be good to fuse with odometry to handle situations when orb slam loses tracking. I imagine the robot_localization should work for this purpose, or perhaps fuse.