Hi, Welcome to the wonderful world of command line parsing!

Files in this folder:

ArgsParser.cs - C# version
CMain.cs - C# version test/demo
parser.cls - VB6 version (Doc at the top, sample usage at the bottom)
parser.vbs - Script version (Doc at the top, sample usage at the bottom) (Should be embedded in a WSF file, can be called from JS)

Brief doc (Detailed doc is in the source/test code):

The VB6/Script versions are similar, and use a schema string:


Dim p As New Parser
p.Schema = "/Remote: /Command: [/Arguments] [/WindowState:#] p1 [p2]"
p.usage = "bla bla"
Foo p.Argument("Remote"), p.Argument("Command"), p.Argument("Arguments"), p.Argument("WindowState")


set p = new parser
.... same as above

C# The C# version is more powerful, and you first declare each parameter/option on a separate call.

using Parsing;

CommandlineParser P = new CommandlineParser();

P.SetRequiredSwitch_String("Remote", "the remote machine name");
P.SetRequiredSwitch_String("Command","the command to pass");
P.SetOptionalSwitch_Boolean("Arguments","Specify arguments?");
P.SetOptionalSwitch_Numeric("WindowState","the display state of the window");
P.SetRequiredParam_String("p1","First name");
P.SetOptionalParam_String("p1","Last Name");
