- 0
convert to `tidyfast`
#18 opened by timelyportfolio - 3
Problems with Tidyr
#17 opened by joseraymar - 6
d3_nest() fails with dev tidyr
#13 opened by hadley - 2
test before this gets out of hand
#4 opened by timelyportfolio - 16
d3_widget function
#12 opened by jjallaire - 5
add igraph to d3 converter
#3 opened by timelyportfolio - 2
remove children with length 0
#9 opened by timelyportfolio - 0
use name instead of id (BREAKING!)
#10 opened by timelyportfolio - 2
d3r nesting order for SearchTree widget
#8 opened by yonicd - 2
provide option for json in d3_nest
#1 opened by timelyportfolio - 1
handle NA
#2 opened by timelyportfolio