
Algolab HS2016 tought at ETH Zürich

Primary LanguageC++

Algolab HS2016

In this repository you find my solutions to the problems posed as part of the "AlgoLab" course at ETH Zurich. (See http://www.cadmo.ethz.ch/education/lectures/HS16/algolab/index.html)

You can do whatever you want with my solutions except for claiming they are yours. The code is written by me, I did not come up with algorithmic ideas..

The test files (including reference outputs) are provided as part of the course. For some problems I added some extra test cases.

Typical approaches/techniques:

  • Binary-search


  • Rounding errors in Min_circle
    • Use: Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel.h
    • Use: Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel.h
    • convert to double: ceil(to_double(et))
  • Bias for non-negative weights max-flow-min-cost
  • LP: Different kernels for different precisions (see http://doc.cgal.org/latest/Number_types/group__nt__gmp.html)
    • Gmpz.h: Arbitrary precision integer
    • Gmpzf.h: Multiple-precision floating-point number (m*2^e), generally faster than MP_Float.h
    • Gmpq.h: Arbitrary precision rational
    • MP_Float.h: Arbitrary precision float

(... spoilers below)

































































(... spoilers now)

Solved Problems (careful spoilers)

  1. week (5/6)
  • Build the sum 100/100
  • Dominoes 0
  • Even Matrices 100/100
  • Even Pairs 100/100
  • False coin 100/100
  • PotW: Deck of cards 100/100
  1. week (2/5)
  • Evolution: 100/100 -- "Skip-tree"
  • PotW: Octopussy 100/100 -- EDF* (*= with dependencies)
  1. week (1/5)
  • PotW: Attack of the clones 100/100 -- EDF scheduling; index-tricks
  1. week (1/5)
  • PotW: TheeV 100/100 -- Binary search, Min-Circle
  1. week (3/6)
  • Lights at the Museum 100/100 -- Bruteforce/Split-and-List
  • PotW(A): On her Majesty's secret service 100/100 -- Dijkstra; exp-bin-search w/ max. cardinality matching
  • PotW(B): Poker Chips 100/100 -- Huge DP
  1. week (1/4)
  • PotW: A New Hope 100/100 -- Big DP in heap (bottom-up)
  1. week (1/5)
  • PotW: Knights 100/100 -- Max flow
  1. week (1/5)
  • PotW: Stamps 100/100 -- LP
  1. week (1/5)
  • PotW: Casino Royale 80/80 -- Mincost Max-flow; tricky bias
  1. week (1/4)
  • PotW: Sith 100/100 -- Binary search; Delaunay (->sparse graph), max-connected-component
  1. week (1/4)
  • Carsharing 100/100 -- Like Casino Royale (mincost-maxflow)
  • PotW: Planks 60/100 -- (You can do Split-and-List)
  1. week (4/6)
  • Placing Knights 100/100 -- Max bipartite matching
  • Radiation 100/100 -- LP with tricks
  • New tiles 100/100 -- DP over lines (employing inner line monotonicity)
  • PotW: The Empire Strikes Back 100/100 -- LP, Delaunay
  1. week (2.5/4)
  • DHL 60/100 -- DP, Greedy (TODO)
  • Sweepers 100/100 -- Euler-tours; maxflow (bordercases with connected-components)
  • PotW: The Phantom Menace 100/100 -- maxflow
  1. week: Christmas Challenge (Cantonal Courier) 100/100 -- maxflow (still not 100% sure why it works)