A set of python3 scripts showing examples of how to navigate and access the core elements of the data within the SceneNetRGBD dataset.
- python3
- numpy
- protobuf
Make sure you install protobuf with pip3
pip3 install protobuf
The dataset consists of two components. The first component is a set of files organised into trajectory folders. Each of these folders contains three directorys:
- photo - which contains the photorealistic renders, each of which is named after its frame_num (e.g. 0.jpg is the first pose, 25.jpg the next)
- depth - which contains the accompanying depth information stored as unsigned 16-bit integers within a PNG. The numbering scheme is the same as for photo (0.png is the first frame). The units are millimeters, a value of 1000 is a meter. Depth is defined as the euclidean ray length from the camera position to the first point of intersection.
- instance - which contains instances labels for a trajectory also in unsigned 16-bit integers. Instance 1 is the first object and will be the same through all of the frames within this folder
The second component is a protobuf file. The definition of this protobuf is given in scenenet.proto. It stores a list of trajectories, with the attribute 'render_path' which points towards the appropriate folder for the renders of that trajectory. The protobuf also stores a set of views, each with a 'frame_number' telling you which number within photo/depth/instance is applicable to that view. The view contains both a timestamp and the camera position and lookat positions.
The protobuf also stores instances for each trajectory, with each instance having an 'instance_id'. This instance_id provides a mapping from the instance information stored in the protobuf and the instances rendered in the instance folder. If a pixel within the instance/0.png is 1 then at that pixel, the instance within this trajectory with the 'instance_id' of 1 stores all of the relevant information for this object. That information depends on the 'instance_type', but for everthing except background includes a wordnet id semantic label.
Download the validation set (15GB) and the validation set protobuf file from the SceneNet RGB-D project page.
Extract the validation set (
tar -xvzf val.tar.gz
), to a location on you local machine. To avoid editing more code, you can place it directly within the data directory of this repo data/val, or optionally place it somewhere else, and edit line 4 of the read_protobuf.py file to point towards the folder location. -
This validation folder should contain a single folder 0, with 1,000 folders in it for each of the validation trajectories.
Copy the protobuf file to data folder of this repo.
Run make in the root folder of the repo to generate the protobuf description
Run the read_protobuf.py to print out information about a single trajectory (remove the final break to print our information about them all)
python3 read_protobuf.py
You should see a print out of the information available for one of the trajectories within the dataset.
It prints the meta data related to all different objects there are in the scene. This includes the layout objects i.e wall, ceiling and floor etc. as well as the random objects present in the scene.
For each random object it prints its location and the rotation matrix to give the pose.
It also prints out the trajectory with shutter open and shutter close times.
Number of trajectories:1000
Render path:0/223
Layout type:KITCHEN path:kitchen/kitchen6_layout.obj
Number of instances: 49
Instance id:0
Instance type:BACKGROUND
Instance id:1
Instance type:LAYOUT_OBJECT
Wordnet id:02990373
Plain english name:ceiling
Instance id:2
Instance type:LAYOUT_OBJECT
Wordnet id:03005285
Plain english name:chandelier
Instance id:8
Instance type:LIGHT_OBJECT
Wordnet id:03665924
Plain english name:lightbulb
Instance id:9
Instance type:RANDOM_OBJECT
Wordnet id:04379243
Plain english name:table
Object info:shapenet_hash: "04379243/68247c737f565de8615b3e12f53b391d"
height_meters: 0.8016070127487183
object_pose {
translation_x: -4.49629020690918
translation_y: 0.23743900656700134
translation_z: 4.469130039215088
rotation_mat11: 0.9999970197677612
rotation_mat12: 0.0011692900443449616
rotation_mat13: 0.002182639902457595
rotation_mat21: -0.0011747500393539667
rotation_mat22: 0.9999960064888
rotation_mat23: 0.0025000099558383226
rotation_mat31: -0.0021797099616378546
rotation_mat32: -0.002502569928765297
rotation_mat33: 0.9999939799308777
Instance id:10
Instance type:RANDOM_OBJECT
Wordnet id:04590933
Plain english name:windsorchair
Object info:shapenet_hash: "03001627/30afd2ef2ed30238aa3d0a2f00b54836"
height_meters: 0.7883989810943604
object_pose {
translation_x: 0.3437049984931946
translation_y: 0.24061700701713562
translation_z: 0.38801801204681396
rotation_mat11: 0.9985309839248657
rotation_mat12: -0.0009748529992066324
rotation_mat13: 0.05417810007929802
rotation_mat21: 0.0009531180257909
rotation_mat22: 0.9999989867210388
rotation_mat23: 0.00042701399070210755
rotation_mat31: -0.054178498685359955
rotation_mat32: -0.00037474901182577014
rotation_mat33: 0.9985309839248657
Instance id:11
Instance type:RANDOM_OBJECT
Wordnet id:03957315
Plain english name:planter
Object info:shapenet_hash: "03991062/8d2c6ce685eb1fd9368b14e48c164a6e"
height_meters: 0.9080100059509277
object_pose {
translation_x: 2.965019941329956
translation_y: 0.2490839958190918
translation_z: 4.6422200202941895
rotation_mat11: 0.9911879897117615
rotation_mat12: 0.008519629947841167
rotation_mat13: 0.13218699395656586
rotation_mat21: -0.018325600773096085
rotation_mat22: 0.9971529841423035
rotation_mat23: 0.07314439862966537
rotation_mat31: -0.13118800520896912
rotation_mat32: -0.07492230087518692
rotation_mat33: 0.9885219931602478
Render path:0/223
frame_num: 0
shutter_open {
camera {
x: 2.0335700511932373
y: 0.5862889885902405
z: 4.062709808349609
lookat {
x: 2.127110004425049
y: 1.815809965133667
z: 3.522209882736206
timestamp: 0.0
shutter_close {
camera {
x: 2.033060073852539
y: 0.5861700177192688
z: 4.060299873352051
lookat {
x: 2.128920078277588
y: 1.8188899755477905
z: 3.5255000591278076
timestamp: 0.016666699200868607
frame_num: 25
shutter_open {
camera {
x: 2.041440010070801
y: 0.583545982837677
z: 3.9235999584198
lookat {
x: 2.255579948425293
y: 2.0147199630737305
z: 3.720639944076538
timestamp: 1.0
shutter_close {
camera {
x: 2.041670083999634
y: 0.5835520029067993
z: 3.921649932861328
lookat {
x: 2.2581300735473633
y: 2.0179998874664307
z: 3.7238099575042725
timestamp: 1.0166699886322021
Run the convert_instance2class.py to map a random instance image taken from a dataset to its corresponding 13 class semantic image.
These 13 semantic categories are as given in NYUv2.
The code will take some time but it will write an image 'semantic_class.png' in the same directory where each pixel has an index value encoding the semantic category.
If you use MATLAB or octave, you can view the image with following commands
I = imread('semantic_class.png')
- Additionally it writes another file called 'NYUv2.png' where each category is colour coded as in SceneNet
One of our sample 'semantic_class.png' image looks like
There was a typo in the original paper stating that the vertical Field of View of the camera used for the dataset was 40 degrees, but it is in fact 45 degrees. The code in this repository and camera intrinsic matrix provided use the correct 45 degree vFoV.
# License
GPL. We would like to thank Dyson Technologies Limited for supporting this work.