tinashinetech's Stars
A simple country code picker on iOS, support chinese,english,spanish,national flag,ISO 3166-1 and calling code.(一个简洁的iOS国家代码选择器,支持中文、英语、西班牙语、国旗、ISO 3166-1、国际电话区号) your can search the ISO 3166 code,calling code or country name,the picker view will refresh automatically according to the content of your search.(你可以搜索ISO 3166码,电话区号或者国家名字,pikerView将会根据你搜索的内容自动更新搜索结果)
A simple Math coordinate system on Android. 绘制坐标轴 函数图像
Drawing graphs of point, linear function, power function, exponential function, logarithmic function, circular function, etc in a coordinate. (实现了在坐标系中画点,一次函数,幂函数,指数函数,对数函数,三角函数等)